Laura Reznikova: "The doctor forbade me sweet"


Sometimes, to lose weight, just fall in love. And then no diet will be needed. Well, or not to fall in love, but at least get involved in anything interesting. Of course, I do not urge to throw in my senses everything without parsing. But herself, for example, I just try not to eat any rubbish - chips, sodes, fries, other fast food. Meat do not, in principle, in any form for several years, but this is already my personal relationship with karma, and not with a diet. I have problems only with sweet: I ate so much that herself was afraid. The endocrinologist found out that my body does not produce a hormone of joy - serotonin. And looking for him in sweets. On this bitter, or rather, sweet experience I concluded that it is stupid and sometimes harmful to chasing new-fashioned diets - sometimes it is better before doing something, turn to a good doctor. I myself never thought to lose weight. But a couple of times it happened that because of the insufficient thinness I was denied for the approval for the role. However, due to the dependence on the sweet, I recovered by six kilograms and was no longer tried on the role of wipers.

To the shooting area take me from a restaurant. I don't know how to cook very much, I can only occasionally make a favorite tom soup or bake a banana-nut cupcake. And so basically feed in decent cafes or restaurants, the benefit of Moscow is now a lot of places where you can taste a delicious, useful, healthy food. If in the evening the on the eve of the filming I dinner in the restaurant, I can order an extra dish there, which in the morning I will take with you on the site.

Tricks on pylon, acrobatics, stretching muscles steel for actress perfect forms of physical activity

Tricks on pylon, acrobatics, stretching muscles steel for actress perfect forms of physical activity


My sporting classes are held at high heels. When I was starting to engage in Poldens, these were classes where the dances were studied on pylon, and acrobatics, and stretching muscles. Today, all this is completely different classes. A separate lesson is tricks on pylon, separate - graceful movements in high heels, separate an hour we dedicate warming up and stretching the muscles. And considering that I sometimes participate in half a doors, training and rehearsal such active, which is no longer enough for any time, except that sometimes I run to the classic choreography lesson with the machine.

Shopogogolism is my serious dependence. I love fashion very much, I try not to miss fashion week in Moscow, I dream to find time and the case to get to European shows. I often go shopping, I love to pick up in the underwear departments and can leave the impressive amount of money there, even if I didn't count at all for this budget. How many clothes I have, I did not even think. But this is an impressive wardrobe in the bedroom plus a separate wardrobe room. Sometimes I give clothes to your friends and acquaintances. Friends in a joke are already offered to arrange auction, because there are really very beautiful specimens - in particular, things stitched exclusively for me, according to my ideas.

As we see, the results of these efforts can be called impressive

As we see, the results of these efforts can be called impressive


I used to be redhead, but apparently, this period was held. I am very comfortable with chocolate hair. And if the redhead was invited to the characteristic roles, sometimes comedy, now - for drama. I try to keep track of hair, especially since there were cases in my life when I was spoiled in the beauty salon. I have pretty fluffy and fragile hair, and several times they were fed the catch. We had to spend considerable money for rehabilitation procedures, and sometimes cut.

Actress needs her wrinkles, this is our professional tool. And judging by the way the female part of the public looks like in expensive cafes, these procedures do not help, but rather harm: swollen after injuries cheeks and lips do not contribute to fresh and beauty. Therefore, everyone who wants to look beautiful and naturally, I can advise a good face massage from a competent cosmetologist! If the technique is chosen correctly, it will provide a gorgeous fresh look! In addition to manual massages, I still love hardware. There is such a procedure - microcracks, it is very nice, as if faces concern the wings of butterflies. Well, of course, after such pleasure and look great! I still love Indian Massage Sedar. True, it is no longer about appearance, but about the harmony of the soul. An incredibly pleasant procedure when the warm oil is pouched onto the forehead. In fifteen minutes you forget what your name is and with what planet you are. Just in the coming days I am going to rest in India - I will definitely go there on my favorite massage!

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