Let's be friends: Meet yourself


Of course, it is necessary to have a number of man who will give a valuable council will tell me in a difficult situation, but it is most important to become such a person for himself. When you find a common language with your inner "I", you hardly experience the feeling of loneliness, uncertainty and fear.

So what actions need to be taken on the way to harmony?

Most importantly - harmony in the soul

Most importantly - harmony in the soul

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.

Think about who you are, and what imagine

Most often, our perceptions of themselves develop from the assessment of others: relatives, friends, colleagues give assessments to our actions, they advise, how to act in such a situation, a person, sometimes not in their will, begins to perceive himself through the prism of other people's ideas, which can Do not fit the real portrait of a person.

To separate your own identity from an imposed image, take a clean sheet and ask yourself questions, for example, "What do I love?", "What did I reach at the moment?", "What would I say after a few years?" etc. Honestly answer questions raised. It is possible that the answers will surprise you.

Think how your relationship with other people

As a rule, our attitude towards other people, whether friends, relatives, and often unfamiliar people, speaks of our inner harmony or its absence. Almost every one of us met a man who tries to constantly pose or withdraw a typical example of a person who is difficult to accept himself, he tries to break the balance of others by his behavior.

So that this does not happen to you, work on yourself and relationships with others: do not take out your negative on others, better deal with internal discomfort.

spend alone with you

spend alone with you

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.

Put the target you can reach

When we work on our dreams, we strive to implement them and ultimately it turns out this, remember this feeling of limitless satisfaction and the tide of love for yourself. It is important to remember this feeling and in a situation where you want to quit everything, remember what you felt on the finish.

Strong positive emotions, experienced in the past, as a rule, stimulate move forward to experience them again. This method is well suited for people suffering from a low self-esteem - seeking their own, you will feel calmer and acquire confidence in your own power.

Get out of the comfort zone more often

Probably the best way to know yourself from the new side is to change the calm course of your life. The classic option is offered psychologists - go on a journey, preferably alone. However, it is not necessary to start with a long trip to bring yourself out of a carotid state: To begin with, you can try to change something in your usual, everyday life, for example, pass to another route, returning from work, or dedicate the weekend to the study of unknown corners of the city, or Sign up for courses that have always dreamed of visiting. After a while you will notice changes from the inside.

Many are difficult to have fun in one

Many are difficult to have fun in one

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.

Spend alone with you

How can I learn another person best? Go together to take a walk or sit in a mile cafe. The same can be said about the "acquaintance" with your inner "I". From many people you can hear: "I do not know how to have fun in solitude," but nothing prevents you from learning how to do it, because you are the person with whom you spend all the time, so the acceptance of yourself and your thoughts is probably the most important thing It is worth learning.

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