The loudest novels of teenagers


Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber

The success story of Justin Bieber is so similar to the fairy tale that his first love seemed to have had to develop on a fabulous scenario: they lived long and happily. And for two years, that the young singer met with a no less young actress of Selena Gomez, and it was. True, on modern way: common photos on Facebook, affectionate exchange of tweets, darling hide and seek from paparazzi and tender views of each other on the red tracks under the sight of the TV game. However, the magical Love Story 18-year-old Bieper and 21-year-old Gomez faced cruel reality: either glory or love. Young people, like many of them, more adult star colleagues, could not find time and career, and personal relationships, and while the harsh truth of life did not completely extort their feelings, decided to disperse a match. At least such is the official version of their parting.

However, the situation is actually not yet clear. The first bell that signals the grinding was given Justin. The singer published his photo in one of the social networks with the signature "Lingse". Advanced users immediately deciphered the inscription: the same anagram "Single", that is, "one". However, Bieber on a direct question of a journalist in one of the subsequent radio esters, they broke up with Gomez or not, replied that he did not understand what was about. And soon another version appeared, according to which Selena threw her boyfriend because of his not the chance of the SECRET FASHION Show show. About Flirt with other girls, or rather, with a model Barbara Pallwin - Gomez, learned again from social networks, where that Barbara laid out a bunch of his photos with Justin. It turns out that these online stands, which have made young people famous, served them a bad service. Probably, therefore, Bieber and Gomez decided to hide from everyone "in Real": after a couple of days, Bieber and Gomez again saw the secretly found. And without any alerts about your dating network. So, perhaps, rumors about their parting are somewhat exaggerated.

Miley Cyrus and Nick Jonas

Miley Cyrus and Nick Jonas met in June 2006 at a charitable event, where both performed. The star of the series "Hanna Montana" at that time was only 13 years old, and the participant of the Jonas Brothers group - 14. According to the actress, for her it was love at first sight, and embarrassed her own feelings, the first thing Miley flashed nickname: "You have stupid shirt. " However, the guy was not out of touchy, and he also liked Miley, so in the same evening he invited a girl in a cafe. We like to continue chatting a tete-a-tet in the company of friends. And this desire broke into the daily many hours of talking on the phone: Cyrus and Jonas lived away from each other - she is in Los Angeles, he is in New York. For the happiness of both, soon Nick's nickname was not just moved to California, but also settled in a couple of quarters from Miley.

Since then, lovers could spend much more time with each other: they rode a bike together, played basketball, fought on the game console, went to the movies; In general, dealt with all the usual children at their age. However, they were not ordinary children after all. But this first love not only did not interfere with the career of both, but on the contrary, helped. "I was in love, and I wanted to share my feelings with the whole world," says Miley. - Just at that moment I worked on my second album, and the songs came up with me alone at the other. And I devoted every one of them. "

But in carefree teenage love there were their problems: at some point, the relationship was given a crack. And in order to gather a little with thoughts, young people decided to give their feelings a respite. Permanent shooting and touring even more left them from each other, and in December 2007, Miley and Nick finally broke up.

However, the actress and singer still retained very warm feelings for his "Prince" and with tenderness recalls his first love. Even despite the fact that now she has, according to his own words, the first in the life of "serious relationships" with actor Liam Hemsworth, known for the role in the film "Hungry Games" and as the younger brother of Chris Hemsworth ("Tor"). In May of this year, Liam made Miley offer, and she gladly accepted him. In response to the news of the engagement, Cyrus Nick Jonas wrote the song "Wedding bells", which he devoted his first sweetheart.

Vanessa Hudgens and Zac Efron. Photo: Sipa Press /

Vanessa Hudgens and Zac Efron. Photo: Sipa Press /

Vanessa Hudgens and Zac Efron

Vanessa Hudgens and Zac Efron got acquainted on the film "Class Musical" film in 2005. Vanessa was 16, zaku - 18. Rumors about their novels crawled immediately following the release of the picture: the couple seemed so beautiful on the screen that the assumption about the ranking relationship was suggested by itself. However, Hudgens and Efron were in full sound from questions about personal life and loosely hid their relationships. Then the paparazzi began to work, one after another, extracting evidence about the novel of two young stars.

Only two years later, it was accustomed to the premiere of the "Class Musical" premiere - Vanessa and Zack were consumed publicly in feelings to each other. For what, by analogy with Brade Pitt's armor and Angelina Jolie, received a joint nickname of Zaisas. In the summer of 2007, the actors even exchanged rings. Not wedding, and not even those that are usually given on the engagement, and the rings recognize in their love to each other with the engraved names of both. After that, the Efron was discounted that he first saw Hudgens on the samples, something clicked something in his head. "My first thought was then: I don't want to play with someone except her. They are simply obliged to take us together, "the actor said. - Vanessa thought in the same way. Together we began to wait for the decision of the casting director and since then no longer parted. " They really were all the time together and always kept hands, hugged and smiled widely, showing all their views and proving how well them together.

But all this idyll ended in 2010. According to rumors, due to the fact that Hudgens was fascinated by Josh Hutcherson, with whom he was filmed in the picture "Travel-2: Mysterious Island". But, according to another version, Vanessa's sugar-cerebral relations and Zack simply exhausted themselves. Now the actress meets with an ocene Butler, known for the role in the film "Aliens in the attic". And with each convenient case, demonstrates its passionate feelings to him with photographers. They say in order to make the order. After all, he recently admitted that he still loves Vanessa, although he wishes her happiness with a new boyfriend. However, and about Efron say that such speeches he leads to force the ex-beloved to suffer.

Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson

For the first time, Kristen Stewart was officially admitted in his loved ones with Robert Pattinson in the summer of this year, when her intrigue with director Rupert Sanders became the public domain. Up to this point on the novel of the Stars of Stars, Twilight, everyone was known, but the lovers themselves professionally avoided this topic and have never confirmed, although they did not refute their relationship. It started still in the winter of 2008, when Kristen was only 17 years old. Seeing Pattinson on the casting of the film "Twilight", Stewart immediately penetrated with a sympathy. Unlike directed by Catherine Hardwick, which is more inclined to take the role of Vampire Edward Callen another actor. "But Kristen convinced me that Rob was to play this role," recalls Catherine. - She shone all from the inside. Yes, and Robert was clearly not indifferent to it. Probably, this is love at first sight. " But, despite this electric discharge, Hardwick strictly-setting forbade Pattinson, who was already 21 at that moment, to start an incinement with a stewart. "She was still too small, she was only 17 years old, and if you touch her at least a finger, I will tell who follows, and you will arrest you," Robert's director frightened. But, as you know, the exhaust method did not work: the actors began to meet.

At the same time, despite the rather young age, his novel with Pattinson Stewart broke the heart to another young man. Kristen and Michael Angarano - her colleague on TV film "Speak" - began to meet when she was 13 years old, and he was 16. Therefore, their relationship was more friendly than serious: Stewart never built a far-reaching plans with Angarano, responded about him as About a cool guy and recognized that it was fun with him. What did Michael think about the departure of Kristen to Robert, remains a mystery.

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