But reliable: when it is worth thinking before saying "yes"


For many women, marriage becomes almost the meaning of life, meeting a relatively decent man, the girl often tries as quickly as possible to incline the chosen one to the official union, sometimes the messenger of important points that need to be clarified before you cross the registry strength.

Find out how your man refers to children

Often this item becomes a final point in the relationship. Agree, marry a man, expecting that in a couple of years you will have at least a few children, and on your question: "When will we plan a decree?" Get the answer: "Why do we need a decree? We and the together well "will be a big shock. As a rule, women are confident that after the wedding a man certainly creates a conversation about the children, even if before that did not start this topic. No, he is unlikely to change his mind, if he always avoided this topic. In order not to be disappointed in marriage, clarify the moment with the children long before you start planning the venue.

Learn what were the methods of upbringing your man in childhood

We all know that every second lives family life according to the scenario of his parents: if the family it was customary to use physical strength as an element of education, almost complete confidence can be said that a person will not see anything criminal to raise his hand and on his children . Think how often do we speak with our second halves about your childhood? Not too often, and very in vain. Discussion of your childhood can reveal your eyes to many behavioral patterns of your partner.

not all men dream of children

not all men dream of children

Photo: www.unsplash.com.

Find out which expectations from marriage from your man

And again the lack of communication in a pair leads to serious misunderstanding on both sides. You always wanted a quiet life outside the city surrounded by colors and children, and your chosen one, it is quite possible, dreams of life in the very center of the city, where life boils, or do not see anything terrible in to live all his life in a removable apartment. Agree, it is better to learn about the differences in the aspirations "on the shore" than the next morning after the wedding.

What are your men with your own family at this stage

Of course, if the partner often visits his parents, there is nothing terrible in this, however, if it appears there more often than at work, you should think about it, and whether a man will disappear from his mother at a time when you need his presence . Discuss with a man this moment, tell me what you would like to spend more time with you or took you with me to my family. If a man reacts to such a completely harmless proposal is stormy and even aggressively, think about whether it is worth taking your life with such a man.

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