Gold in ampoules, serum for radiance and bakuchiol for zone around the eyes


Ampoules "Precious Collection" from Babor


Whey in ampoules - Babor business card. Of course, today many brands, especially premium segment, have in their assortment ampoules. But the first was still Babor. In the 60s of the last century, the creator of the brand, Dr.-Biochemist Mikhael Barbean, for the first time in the history of cosmetology, concluded useful concentrates for the skin into a glass container. As a result, only one ampoule is able to replace a number of procedures, solving a specific task.

Since then, serum has become truly legendary, and Babor technology continue to delight amply news. This season is a "precious collection", which consists of three parts - "Rose Gold", "Gold" and "Platinum" - and is designed for seven days. The first three days you use ampoules Rose Gold "Energy". They, following their name, fill the level of cellular energy. Alpha-glucan contributes to regeneration processes and displays toxins. Sea exopolisaccharides strengthen the protective barrier of the skin and contribute to the deduction of moisture, and reflective pigments give a delicate radiance of your skin.

The next three days are a turn of gold ampoules "volume" that smoothed the microrelief. Golden pigments in the ampoules give the skin natural radiance. Coffee stem cells stimulate ATP synthesis (cellular breathing) and contribute to the increase in collagen level. Polyphenols from grapes act immediately in several directions: protect against oxidative stress and glycation of collagen fibers, increasing the elasticity and tone of the skin. A 2-fractional hyaluronic acid fills the skin moisture immediately in several layers of the skin, increasing elasticity. The result is 90% more volume.

And finally, on the sixth and seventh days you switch to platinum - lifting ampoules. The "platinum" ampoule instantly pulls into the skin, strengthening its structure, and giving radiance due to the same platinum particles in the composition. A 3D matrix with a galactomannan from a barbed and oligosaccharide from chicory is responsible for the instantaneous pulling effect and stimulates the synthesis of collagen. Lanenik extract supports protective skin function and strengthens its antioxidant protection.

To apply serum in the morning, immediately after cleansing. Like all the ampoules, these must first shake (in order to activate the ingredients), then wrap the neck with a cosmetic napkin, sharp movement to break down the top of the ampoule along the lower color ring and apply the contents on the skin, neck and neckline. And do not forget: the use of cream is also necessary, it should be applied when the concentrate is completely absorbed.

Leather Cream around Bakuchiol Crave from Blom


The Russian Blom brand has already managed to love all the brothigolics - thanks to their cool micronegole patch (they even wrote about the International Journal of Cosmetic Science). But this autumn Blom meets with another new product - the first in his collection of patches cream. What! The main ingredient in its composition is Bakuciol. If you did not bounce against the surprise, now explain why Bakuchiol is so good. Let's start from afar. Surely you know that one of the most powerful anti-aging ingredients is retinol. That's just this excellent component has side effects and chemical instability in cosmetic formulas. That is why Blom specialists created cream with his plant equivalent - Bakuciol, in honor of which the product and got its name.

Bakuchiol from PSORALEA Corylifolia seeds, also known as Indian Baber with tender-violet flowers and widespread in Western Asia. In fact, Asian doctors know this plant for a long time and from time immemorial use in traditional Chinese and Indian medicine. Bakuciol has all the beneficial properties of retinol, but without unwanted effects in the form of peeling, irritation and increased skin sensitivity to the Sun.

By the way, two years ago, in June 2018, the British Journal of Dermatology published an independent clinical study, in which a group of 44 volunteers took part. They applied cream with Bakuciol and Retinol cream for 12 weeks. Scientists have found that both components are greatly smoothed superficial wrinkles and reduced hyperpigmentation (blocking melanin synthesis), without a noticeable difference between them. Experts came to the conclusion that Bakuciol has a similar effect, but at the same time it is better transferred to the skin - without redness and pinching.

Anti-aging peptide face cream from Korean brand bueno


Ingredients beloved by all buggigolics are peptides, which are called "secret agents of beauty." Indeed, these substances are very often used in anti-age tools. Various peptides are used in cosmetology, the code of which purposefully launches the necessary processes: activates the production of collagen and elastin cells, inhibits the generation of pigment melanin or reduces the redundant work of the sebaceous glands and is even able to deal with cellulite manifestations.

As part of this cream, as many as seven types of peptides, which restore the cellular structure of collagen fibers, increase the metabolic processes in cells, slow down the aging processes. Thanks to the innovative components of the MGF, 7-peptides, cottages and adenosine, face cream combines deep moistening and intensive rejuvenation. The innovative component of biotechnology adenosine activates the synthesis of collagen and elastin, thereby slowing the age processes, increasing the turgor and skin elasticity.

Booster Collagen for Skin from Advanced Nutrition Programme


A special conversation is about collagen, structural protein, from which all connecting tissue of our body consists. As is known, one of the key causes of visual aging of the skin and the loss of its elasticity is just a loss of collagen. According to the latest research, our body somewhere from 28 years of age loses 1-2% each year. As a result, these losses amount to about 30 percent.

What to do? First, change the diet. Collagen in large quantities is contained in all animal sources of protein - including in milk, eggs, animal meat and fish. Especially a lot of natural additives are contained in the chill. Secondly, use cosmetics with collagen (read our beauty reviews, we are talking about all new products). And, thirdly, it is worth seeing to food additives - for example, to the New Spring - Skin Collagen Support with an improved formula. Five key booster ingredients have a powerful impact and work together, helping simultaneously form, activate and protect both collagen and elastin, which supports the skin like construction forests.

"The updated Skin Collagen Support complex contains a carefully verified combination of zinc, MSM (methylsulfonylmethane), grape bone extract, vitamin C and melon concentrate rich in powerful antioxidant called SOD (superoxiddismutase) - in order to promote the formation, protection and activation of the collagen synthesis process "Commented on the head of the Advanced Nutrition ProgramMe Product Development Division Lorrain Perrette.

Moisturizing serum for smooth tone and shine of skin Ginzing Into The Glow from Origins


This multifunctional serum launches the process of natural exfoliation, allowing you to instantly achieve the shining colors of the face. The secret of the effectiveness of the formula is a 5 percent regenerating complex that accelerates the update of cells. It includes the extract of green coffee beans and ginseng, which are toned, give the radiance of the skin, as well as alpha and beta hydroxy acids, which stimulate the production of natural enzymes in the epidermis, speed up the cell renewal and help carefully remove the removable particles and smooth the skin texture. As a result, dullness decreases, and the pores become less noticeable.

On the note vegans and vegetarians. Due to the fact that the innovative formula contains natural vegetable ingredients, serum can be safely included in its daily care.

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