Debunk myths about diabetes


One of the main causes of type II diabetes mellitus. Excess weight. Many are confident that diabetes is called because he occurs most often from sweet toes. But actually it is not. One of the main causes of diabetes is overweight. Especially dangerous is the extra weight in the case when a large amount of fat is formed in the abdomen. Since the production of hormones increases, which increase the risk of diabetes. Alcohol does not directly cause diabetes mellitus. It just provokes an appetite that again can lead to excess weight.

At what age is the risk of type II diabetes much higher? After 40 years. The first wave of the incidence of type II type II falls on age after 40 years, and its most her peak is celebrated from those older than 65 years. By this time, many people develop atherosclerosis of vessels. Including those related to the pancreas. Sacred atherosclerosis is very often suffering from diabetes. Rarely, but diabetes can develop at earlier age.

What reduces the risk of type II diabetes mellitus? Physical exercise. Many people think that the refusal of the sweet reduces the risk of sugar diabetes. But it is not. Carbohydrate food should be 60% of human nutrition. Just it should be not simple carbohydrates - cookies, cakes, candy, and complex - for example cereal, fruit. But what really reduces the risk of sugar diabetes, so this is physical exertion that improve the sensitivity of cells to insulin. In addition, during sports, the weight is reduced, and a person has less risk to get sick. Respiratory gymnastics for the development of diabetes mellitus does not affect.

What does the risk depend on type II diabetes mellitus? From the person himself. Many believe that if parents and other closest relatives sick diabetes, then they cannot be avoided. In fact this is not true. Of course, the role of heredity is very high. But if a person will lead a healthy lifestyle, eating properly, and most importantly, it will have a normal weight, the probability of the development of diabetes will decrease.

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