Anna Snatkina: "Flight by plane is an incredible stress!"


- What color do you associate yourself?

- Rather, it is a soft lilac and deep blue.

- Have you ever to say that you read Schopenhauer, although you did not read it?

- I do not like and do not know how to invent.

- Someday in the attack of rage you beat the dishes? Did the newspaper? Thought out objects?

- Not. If I need to put a person in place, I will do it in a word.

- What can make you redden?

- My daughter is your children's immediacy.

- Have you ever exaggerated the price of things that you wear?

- This is a movietone. Even if I have a dear thing, I never mention it.

- Your reaction at the sight of your twin?

"Once I saw a photo of a girl like me like two drops of water," I was uncomfortable. By the way, in the series on the "home" I just play similar to each other girls.

- What vices are you most condescending?

- To bad habits. Smoking, for example.

- Your main advantage?

- motherhood, family, career, hardworking.

- What are the tests for you?

- Flying by plane is an incredible stress!

- Who do you most often have to deceive?

- I am not inclined to deceive, I hate false.

- The most unexpected entrance you allowed?

- Skydiving.

- What talent would you like to possess?

- Playing musical instruments, sing and know as much foreign languages ​​as possible.

- What did you promise yourself this morning?

- Go to the interview.

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