10 seasonings that can be replaced with salt


Salt is one of the most common spices. Although its moderate use usually does not cause problems, excessive salt consumption is associated with high blood pressure and other health problems. Many people with chronic diseases must reduce salt consumption. Instead, you can try a few herbs, spices and other ingredients to add flavors to your beloved dish:

1. Garlic.

Garlic is an acute spice that enhances the taste without increasing sodium content. You can reduce the amount of salt and add twice as much garlic in the recipes of tomato sauces and marinades. Garlic is great for soups and hot. Moreover, it is good for health. Studies show that garlic compounds can enhance immunity, reduce blood pressure and improve brain health.

Garlic strengthens immunity

Photo: unsplash.com.

2. Lemon juice or zest

Citrus, especially lemon juice and zest, are an excellent alternative to salts in some recipes. As a source of acid, lemon juice acts as well as salt, reinforcing the scent of the dish. Meanwhile, the lemon zest attaches an even stronger citrus fragrance. Juice and zest Lime and Orange also have these effects. Citrus can water boiled vegetables and use in gas stations for salads and marinades for meat and fish.

3. Black ground pepper

Salt and pepper - classic culinary duet. Black pepper is a good addition to soups, hot, paste and other dishes. In addition, black pepper can reduce inflammation associated with chronic diseases, such as heart disease and cancer. You can also try white pepper, pepper mixtures and alternative to black peppers, such as Khalapeno, Chile and Cayenne pepper.

4. Drop

Fresh taste of dill with celery and fennel notes makes it a fragrant alternative salt. Dill is a particularly good substitute in dishes with fish, potatoes and cucumbers. You can sprinkle them salmon, use as a major seasoning in a potato salad or add lemon or lime juice for fish dishes.

5. Dried Bow or Low Powder

Like garlic, the bow strengthens the taste of almost any sharp dish. In particular, the dried onion or onion powder is more effective than fresh onions, and it can be replaced with salt when cooking hot, soups, stew, sauces.

6. Dietary yeast

Dietary yeast is deactivated yeast, which are sold in the form of flakes and powder. Known by their cheese spicy taste, they are well combined with popcorn, paste and grain. Despite its cheese taste, they do not contain dairy products. The use of food yeast instead of salt can also be useful for health. Beta-glucan fiber in food yeast can help reduce cholesterol levels, potentially reducing the risk of heart disease.

7. Balsamic vinegar

Balsamic vinegar has a sharp tart taste with a shade of sweetness. He also emphasizes the natural taste of food, minimizing the demand for salt. Use the balsamic vinegar in gas stations for salads, soups, stew and marinades for meat and fish. Reducing its quantity in a saucepan on slow fire allows you to get even more fragrant syrup that can pour fresh tomatoes or fried vegetables.

8. Paprika

Smoky, spicy taste smoked paprika is accompanied by rich red. Add it to meat for Taco, Raga and Nachos. It is noteworthy that this spice may have several health advantages. For example, studies in test tubes show that capsaicin from paprika, which makes some spicy varieties, can stop the growth of cancer cells.

Garlic strengthens immunity

Photo: unsplash.com.

9. Truffle Oil

Truffle oil filled with edible mushrooms, gives a strong earthy taste, which is valued by food lovers worldwide. It is so strong that you can use a small amount instead of salt. Pour them pasta, pizza, eggs, popcorn, potato mashed potatoes and vegetables.

10. Rosemarin

Rosemary is a popular grass that can be used in oil. Try adding fresh or dried rosemary into soups, stew and roast, as well as in fried vegetables, refueling, sauces and bread.

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