Fighting robots and holiday Culture of the Czech Republic


What: Fighting Robots "Bronugot"

One of the largest events of autumn is fighting robots. The best of them come to Moscow to fight for the title of champion. Connabilities assure that it is necessary to see the fight of world favorites - robots from the UK - with heavyweights from Russia. And also you can not miss the unique fight of teams of women robotics, ingenious traps, throwing machines to the stratosphere, tons of live steel, kilowatts of light and sound, pyrotechnic kilograms, gears and bolts in all directions, adrenaline liters and no mercy!.

Where: SC "Olympic"

When: October 29, at 12:00, 15:00 and 18:00

What: citywide holiday Culture Day of the Czech Republic and Slovakia

In the children's city of Masters, from time to time there are days of culture of different countries. Period - through our Czech Republic and Slovakia. The program is a concert of national music and dance, culinary master classes for the manufacture of national Czech dishes and tasting dishes of Czech and Slovak cuisine.

Guests "Masterslavl" will be able to visit creative master classes to create Czech decorations from clay and wooden dolls, as well as take part in Czech national moving and desktop games.

Those who are older who will be interested in lectures on the Czech and Slovak culture (history of the theater, music, literature, art, history, cultural tourism), Czech cartoons and quizzes in which children's Czech books can be won.

Traditions, culture, art, folklore, cooking - all the most interesting on the festival in Master Master.

Where: Child City of Masters Masterslavl

When: September 29, 11:00 to 17:00

What: New Musical Performance game for the whole family "Harmful Tips"

It seems that there is no such person who would not read the "harmful councils" of Gregory Oster. Specially for the 70th anniversary of the children's writer (it will celebrate it on November 27 of this year) St. Petersburg Children's Theater "Leopoldik" released a performance on the same name and the most famous book.

Fragment of play

Fragment of play

Materials press services

"Why does' harmful tips" need children? And educated girls and hooligan boys ... Because in verses Grigory Ostter, small readers recognize themselves per minute of disobedience, "says Alexander Butko, director-director of the play. - But! - It turns out instead of harming, capricious and demand, drowning legs, you just need to wake up the situation with adults with pleasure. "

Where: on the stage of the cultural center "Moskvich"

When: November 4 at 12:00

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