3 of the most romantic way to deal with autumn depression


Very soon in every window of our country - gray and slush. Autumn already declares its rights, the duration of the daylight is less and less. And if in September it is still possible to count on the Indian summer, then in October the number of sunny days will strive for zero. As a result - drowsiness and bad mood, especially receptive is even possible depression. However, calls: Do not go on seasonal features! Yes, we cannot change the landscape outside the window and weather conditions that provoke despondency and sowing, but we can resist it. Especially since there are ways to deal with depression, which personally we are pleased to be ready to practice throughout the year. So, let's begin.

Method 1 - kisses

It's just amazing why in most collections about ways to raise the mood appear anything other than the most obvious. Kisses are one of the most effective ways to overcome Handra. And it's not about the closeness with your loved one - although, of course, she also plays an important role, and in chemistry: oxytocin is beginning to stand out in the kissing process - a hormone of well-being, which causes a feeling of well-being, as well as endorphin responsible for pleasure, and dopamine, which is necessary for the development of affection. At the same time, during a kiss, the level of cortisol, the so-called "hormone of stress" decreases. It seems that this is the ideal prevention of depression.

Kisses - the best express method for dealing with stress

Kisses - the best express method for dealing with stress

Photo: pexels.com.

Method 2 - Hugs

Yes, hugs are also very useful for well-being and can protect you from stress. Hugs increase in the body the level of all the same oxytocin - "hormone confidence", relieving depression and a sense of loneliness. In addition, there is a concept as "tactile hunger" - the mental health of any person depends, including, from satisfying tactile needs, we need a touch forming a sense of security. By the way, the "tactile hunger" can remove and hugs with your favorite pets, so you should not forget about this method to those who are currently in relationships at the moment.

In the evening with candles - what is not a reason to relax

In the evening with candles - what is not a reason to relax

Photo: pexels.com.

Method 3 - Aromatherapy

Well, this option is universal, for him you will not need your chosen one or a pet - enough aromalamps or aromatic candles. It is no secret for a long time that the flavors are able to influence our mood. It remains only to choose the ones you like. But there is a list of universal anti-stress notes:

- Lavender (soothes and promotes healthy sleep);

- Ylang-Ilang (removes anxiety);

- Rosemary (stimulates the work of the brain, promotes raising forces);

- Bergamot (possesses a sedative effect, removes depression);

- cinnamon (eliminates overwork and stress);

- Orange / Citrus (raises the mood, configures on positive way);

- Melissa (removes anxiety and tension, stimulates creative thinking).

Agree that even the evening with candles or aroma places it to relax and let go away. It is small - to choose the desired flavor or their combination.

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