Alexander Sokolovsky: "We are both extremes with my girlfriend"


By profession, the artist, and by nature a risky researcher, for which the result is not so important, how much path. Star of "youths" Alexander Sokolovsky recognizes life exclusively filled with sports, and extreme hobbies, and foreign languages. His beloved is not from the creative sphere, but the rest of the actor's passion is fully separated. Details - in an interview with the magazine "Atmosphere".

"Alexander, recently you threw the phrase that they grew up on foreign movies and instinctively feel that they were created for him. What actions are making to be on the shooting sites of Hollywood? Surely then the thoughts about Oscara do not leave you ...

- No, I do not dream about awards and, in principle, I restrained the prizes and recognition of this kind. I think it is rather nice to teachers when they find out that their student took off so highly. I know many talented people who were not recognized during life, but they did not become less significant for the people. Look, for example, as long as the same Oscar left Leonardo di Caprio. As for my relationship with American cinema, then in childhood I revised a lot of ribbons thanks to my kinomans. They bought a video recorder among the first. In general, my mother and dad is extremely grateful for his good taste in the cinema and in music. In the house, we always played high-quality world music of the 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s. Therefore, I, in contrast to many peers, I understand the idiot of that era. I can not be put in a dead end with the names of Rod Stewart, Prince, B. B. King. I have learned English since childhood, and it was clear that in this culture it will be easy for me to adapt. And when I went to the United States, and when I starred in the Trader project, where they spoke mainly in foreign languages, the work did not imagine any difficulty for me. But if I created for Western cinema, time will show. Try in any case worth it.

- It is for this purpose that you crossed the ocean?

- Sure. Flew to exploration. I have no connections in Hollywood, and I went to Los Angeles to seek people who would explain to me how everything is arranged there. It is meaningless to dream about what you have no idea. Therefore, I decided every year for a month to go there, combining pleasant with useful. I must say, I feel good in the states. And comfortable, and without any cultural barrier ... With any American I can support the conversation on the three most popular topics there: Sports, music, movies. I also also a sports guy - I fond of almost all popular sports there, except baseball. But while the path to real work is clearly a right. In the same country, everything is strictly: while you will not have permission on your hands to legally work, you can not imagine interest for the employer. This is a business space. About creativity talks there, probably, only ten percent. I make steps to implement the conceived, sending the sample, but so far nothing to talk about. The only thing I do not exclude further my move.

Alexander Sokolovsky:

"In the States I feel good and comfortable. With any American I can support the conversation on the three most popular topics: Sport, Music, Movie"

Photo: Daniel Artemyev

- But you can already boast of interesting shooting in other places outside the Fatherland ...

- Yes, I starred in Tunisia, in the Sahara desert. In Turkey, in Istanbul. In Poland. These were all wonderful projects of joint production. By the way, on the western system of work. But myth that she is ideal. Perhaps in the top Hollywood paintings the entire process of the process is perfect, but in other cases there are some assumptions. Moreover, everything in our high-budget projects is clearly and cooled.

- Spectators know you on the TV series "Molodezhka", "Magomayev", "Superfloy", "You all take me away", "Grand". Do you have some sort of flair for spectator projects?

- The role I agree intuitively, and the team is of great importance for me. "Grand" was made super-quality: from the script to the construction of a magnificent scenery, where everything was absolutely reliably. In addition, I am first involved in the comedy. Previously, this genre passed by me, unfortunately. If you do not count the "black" comedy. I still graduate guitis, artist dramatic, and I was interested in mastering this area. Especially since my character, Yuri Sergeevich, Ironic Cynic. In fact, with a comedy, as such, I came across when I served in the Moscow Gubernsky Theater, playing the play on the stories of Mikhail Zadornov.

- Theater you call a more lively organism than cinema, while confessing that a little afraid of the scene, despite the fact that you go to her from nine years.

- As a child, I did not feel such a cargo responsibility and did not doubt who I will become in the future. Apparently, some kind of failure, the blocking appeared already in theatrical university. As a child, it was not completely scary to make a lot of mistakes, and our higher educational institutions, who made the period of the Soviet Union, unfortunately, have a strongly outdated school of teaching, which raises the fear of failure in students. In the USA in acting schools, the system is opposite to domestic. I went to many master classes and admired that they do not even have such a thing as a "medalist" student who scolds in front of the whole course. We always, if the performance does not work, the students are to blame, and not a teacher.

- You are clearly a man of Western mentality ...

- No, I just have a Russian mentality. Just not Soviet. These are different things. I am thirty-one, and while I see that the echoes of the former political system in our country are quite active. Apparently, several generations should be changed, so that these remnants of the past, and our compacon, concerns about the manifestation of emotions, for unnecessary smiles ...

Alexander Sokolovsky:

"I drive on a modest motorcycle, the car is not chic, not the latest model of the phone. But there are always funds for the extreme case"

Photo: Daniel Artemyev

- You tried yourself in clipmaker. In the future, are you going to master the director or producer path?

- I'll tell you this way: I am captivated by the process of creating content. But at the moment, all my survey equipment is only an exciting hobby, no more. Someone for leisure buys a tool, someone canvas with paints, and I purchased a bunch of video equipment. That is, my self-expression means occurs through a video card.

- You have not analyzed why you still do not have in large full-length pictures? Tried to be myself the manager?

- No, in my opinion, this is a strange story. It seems to me that even if you have unshakable confidence that it is right your hero, impossible to impose your candidacy. In Russia, this scheme does not work. We often have everything built on a friendly relationship, and this is definitely incorrectly in the root. But, on the other hand, each has its own functions, and about who will be involved in a particular picture, the casting director, producers and directors know better. They are visible. The better they will select the composition of the project, the more successful there will be their product. And I personally have no complaints. I'm definitely not of those greedy, selfish artists who seek to replay everything in the world. At the same time, the employment is quite decent. So, in the year before last, there were six projects at the same time, and in different cities. I almost did not sleep and even put my personal record - ninety days without a single weekend.

- It turns out, and you have no role-dreams?

- I would gladly play Dorian Gray. And the Osta Bender. Although I tried several times on the roles, in the description of which such an adventurous type was faced, and did not claim to conclude that I could have another organic agent. Therefore, others come. Soon the "Fallag" detective will be released on NTV, where I play one of the main characters. And now I am removed for the same channel in the military drama "An hour before dawn" with Konstantin Khabensky.

- In childhood you were struggled, swimming, football, mild athletics, and now friends with sports. These skills were clearly useful in the profession.

- Yes, but not so many of our projects where powerful physical training is required. But I will say frankly, most likely, I am faster than many if necessary for filming, teaching a new sport for myself. This call will be curious to me. Actually, for life, I want to master the unexplored. For example, sailing - go to the regatta.

Alexander Sokolovsky:

"A huge luck, that we are friends with parents. But, frankly, at their age, I would definitely not become an exemplary father"

Photo: Daniel Artemyev

"You also played hockey together with the legendary Vyacheslav Fetisov and Alexander Yakushev ..."

- They have an extraordinary power! In my eyes, they beat the national team of the Primorsky Territory - young guys! The younger generation is rustier, but the experience of veterans took the top.

- And you do not peck the fact that you, in fact, an inquisitive guy, are not perceived as an intellectual artist?

- And who from colleagues enters this category? In my opinion, a movie about smart people we have the most unclaimed genre. Do we take a lot of stories about scientists, chess players, politicians? Thanks to the Russian industry that they at least about legendary athletes began to make pictures. I would have played a scientist or wise commander with great pleasure. For example, I am attracted by the mysterious personality of the Serbian inventor Nikola Tesla. As well as heroic Alexander Macedonian.

- You are clearly loved by the environment. Often your colleagues tell about the confrontation of the world, and you with him in Lada ...

- Completely right. I have never been an outcast in society. Rather, the opposite. I had a lot of friends since childhood, I love big companies. And in general, it is not indifferent to people. They are interested in me. (Smiles.)

- Friendship with a woman also admit?

- Sure. I have girlfriends. You see, communicate with a person. The floor is not important here. Another thing, if this person does not develop, then sooner or later your roads diverge, because it becomes just sadly, nothing to talk about. This rotation occurs from time to time: someone, taught a certain lesson, leaves the nearest circle, someone comes to it.

- Somehow you said that you feel sophisticated and spoiled attention to yourself. What did you mean?

- Most likely, I gave this interview when "youth" came out. A colossal success fell on us. All artists literally pumped into parts. At events, we even had to go to the toilet with the guard. Perhaps I will ever write an autobiography, where in detail the event of that period. I have accumulated a lot of funny plots.

- Have you used the situation?

- What do you have in mind? To come to contact with people accurately became much easier, because instant recognition was triggered. And in some moments it was extremely convenient. I gladly went without a queue when I was missed. Once I needed to fly on shooting, and I was planted for a flight that was stronger. Entered the position and registered. Such situations are pleasant.

"You had the periods of wild lack of money when you were filming the" killed "room and we had no weeks on Macarona. Now you know the price of money?

- I had a relation to them. After my forced ascetic stage, I allowed myself a lot of buying in the store. And I must admit you that when you save long, it is psychologically difficult to allow yourself not to look at the price tag. That is, let you spend. But the basting of the budget is a useful skill. And he has anyone who arrived at Moscow at sixteen years, rented her accommodation here, interrupted by some earnings and experienced eternal stress from the unstable state. Moreover, it is familiar to people of creative professions, where there is no certainty. Fortunately, the ability to divide the fee on envelopes and stretch it for a long time does not disappear with the arrival of truly impressive sums. I am "financially intelligence", as they say in America. I go on a rather modest motorcycle, the car is not chic, I also do not get some kind of insane brand clothes, I do not have the latest phone model, but there is always a "airbag" - means deflected in the extreme case.

- By the way, have you already become officially Muscovite?

- I have a nomadic lifestyle, and there is no purchase of real estate in the plans. For me - Kaif in motion.

- Your underlined gallantry is striking, which immediately gives you a native of the northern capital ...

- Well, I am not mistaken in the use of cutlery behind a covering table, for example. (Smiles.) With an etiquette, not a letter, despite what I can easily have a pizza straight out of the box. I can say about love for museums and theaters, but it is also in residents of other regions. But St. Petersburg is elected for me, and I am pleased to come to my parents, their home in a pine forest.

- You were born when they were nineteen years old ...

- I am very grateful to my mother and dad that our family has survived, and I am a favorite child who provided freedom and did not control every step. Huge luck that we are friends with your parents. But, frankly, at their age, I would definitely not be an exemplary father. I realized that I was ready for the family, only closer to thirty. You see, I am another person in a warehouse. Yes, and time is now another, rarely who starts the family early. And I think it is right. But, of course, if there was such strong love in my life, such a strong love appeared, as my parents, perhaps, I would have repeated their experience.

- When did you feel attention to yourself from the opposite sex?

- Believe me, I'm not at all the hero-lover, although I am often used in this role. But I have never been the guy in which all girls in the class fall in love. At the same time he suffered from love unrequited. At the Institute, the situation with the girls repeated. I think, after all, I can be of interest as a person. It can bribe. No other way.

- At the moment you are not free?

- I am in a relationship, and I have a beautiful girl. But I am not a supporter of detailed conversations about love. Never know nothing for sure. I am too serious about this feeling to argue about him like this, scattering. I came across global disappointments, deceived in my expectations. I guess I am a romantic idealist, I didn't accidentally read all Bairon. (Smiles.)

Alexander Sokolovsky:

"The mind is one hundred percent magic, and how a woman is preparing to her man, says a lot. And my girl is a virtuoso cook!"

Photo: Daniel Artemyev

- Is it true that you are addressed first of all the intelligence and culinary abilities?

- Absolutely. The mind is one hundred percent magic, and how a woman is preparing to her man, speaks many. You know, I do not believe that there are ladies that are poorly prepared. They just do not want. And my girl is a virtuoso cook! Now she feeds me. Very varied, considering that I exclude for myself meat and fast food. By the way, I used to be not going to get up to the stove myself. Being a fan of Italian cuisine, he adored to pamper guests. I had a period when the houses satisfied the real culinary parties.

- Your second half of the show business?

- A few years ago, I was sure that a girl from another medium would not be able to understand me to the end. But now revised his views. My girl is not from the media sphere. You see, I am bored for the press in terms of personal life. (Smiles.) I get acquainted with the girl and I meet with her, not doubting that happiness loves silence.

- She is not jealous of you?

- Outwardly - no. I hope internally too.

- What topics are you connected?

- Common interests. We seem to look at the world around the world, and both extremes. We are together riding snowboards and chase on motorcycles. She shares my drive. Miracle that we are so coinciding.

"You just like in youth, not enough adrenaline?" It seems that you do not know what a feeling of self-preservation is ...

- It woke up when I became older. Therefore, I only got on the same motorcycle two years ago. But in general, I live this life to the full coil. It is important for me every day to learn something new, constantly evolving. The other day I am going to do the Arabic language. I love to read historical books, because I was close to linguistics. By and large, life is long enough and, if desired, can accommodate much. Accordingly, it is a physical activity, erudition and spiritual practices.

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