Male requests that should not agree


Relationships always require compromises, but there are a number of moments that a woman must necessarily take into account if she wants to build healthy relationships with his partner.

A few centuries ago, a woman who marries, took such conditions from which we now come to horror. It turns out that the woman was just an app to a man, supporting his status. Its responsibilities included the birth of children, maintaining comfort in the house and many other things that did not depend on the desires of the woman herself. A good wife practically did not have the right to vote and in everything heard his man.

Fortunately, these times have long passed, and a woman has the same right as a modern man. A woman can afford not only to insert a word in the next quarrel, but even dilute if relations cease to satisfy it.

You have equal rights in a pair

You have equal rights in a pair


We will tell, what conditions never need to go, even if a man swars like in eternal love.

Sacrifice your interests and principles in favor of a man

Of course, without compromises it is very difficult to keep the relationship, where every partner will feel comfortable. However, everything needs to be known: complete submission to a man will end not the perfect union, but suppressing your personality in favor of his desires. When a man understands that you are ready to give up everything for him, he will start using your love against you yourself, namely - manipulate.

As psychologists advise, it is possible to give up each other only in trifles, but such serious decisions, such as pregnancy, should take both parties, and you have this question the last word should be for a woman.

In addition, when you give up your most important wishes, even if you even for your beloved man, after a while, your anger will acquire a real form and you just raise this person.

Love yourself

Love yourself


You do not have to love his parents

Parents for most people are holy. And for almost every man, Mom is the ideal of a woman to whom his future wife should strive.

If your man has a close relationship with mom, communicating with it can not be avoided, as well as its advice on economic management. It is important to find an approach to future or real mother-in-law, so that at the moments of joint pastime, the end of the world did not occur.

However, you are not at all obliged to love his parents. Yes, respect them at least for the fact that they gave you such a man, but insane love for themselves, they simply do not have the right to demand, like your partner.

Go for compromises only in trifles

Go for compromises only in trifles


Tolerate treason

In society, the view has long been rooted that a man to periodically make raids on enemy female territory. He is polygamen. With such an installation, it is difficult to fight, especially when people who support this theory are in your environment. They will convince you that the man just stumbled, he needs to give a chance, and indeed - who does not happen.

It is important to understand: a man, albeit for a short time, instructed you to another woman. Just because I wanted. No excuses in this case act, because under the blow of a pistol, no one forced him to go to bed with someone else's woman.

Think by yourself, can you live with a traitor and constantly remember this episode at the most inopportune moment? Unlikely. Therefore, do not give any persuasions - if your man counted treason with a normal phenomenon, why don't you find another man for whom such behavior will be unacceptable?

As you can see, any relationship requires the manifestations of nature when necessary. At the right moment, you just have to resolutely say "no", then your man will understand your borders, and will begin to respect.

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