The secret of beauty is inside us


The secret of beauty is inside us 28167_1

We suffer, and after us suffers all our organism, in which, as is known, everything is interconnected. Nervous experiences usually adversely affects digestion, wet from slush and frozen legs cause a runny nose, and the lap by the head will lead to headaches and increase weight.

The biggest impact on a person is perhaps its microflora - many billions of microorganisms living in different "corners" of the body: on the skin, in the digestive system, on mucous membranes, eyes and ears, in one word - almost everywhere. Each moment, these bacteria, fungi or the simplest microorganisms "work" to us for the benefit of us: the vitamins are synthesized, help digestion, protect us from allergens and toxins, destroy alien particles and produce many other important and necessary actions for us.

Oddly, it is useful for us not only "good" microorganisms (for example, well-known lactobacilli), but also "bad", which are called conditionally pathogenic. From their name it is clear that they begin to harm only if certain circumstances occur. Most often, such conditions arise in violation of the natural balance between the number of "useful" and "harmful" bacteria. The latter begin to actively multiply, highlighting toxins and suppress the development of useful flora.

It described many factors leading to a violation of the microflora balance - these are stress, drug intake, especially antibiotics, excessive physical exertion, unfavorable ecology, poor or irregular nutrition, various diseases.

Most of the nutrients enters the human body through the digestive system. Therefore, the shift of natural equilibrium in the gastrointestinal tract usually affects the entire body, especially in the state of the skin, hair and nails, which can be the first sign of digestive impairment. Many people also suffer immunity.

When the intestinal microflora is not able to fully help the digestion and bring all the accumulated toxins and allergens, there are often disorders in many systems of the body, including the microflora composition of the skin. In this case, there is nothing complicated to preserve health and beauty in the winter period. It is enough to maintain the natural balance of intestinal microflora, and the grateful body will try to do everything possible to preserve your beauty and youth!

From advertising, we know that to preserve the normal intestinal microflora, it is recommended to drink kefirs or yogurts in which lactobacilli is present. Microorganisms contained in ferocular products really know how to resist the pathogenic microflora, but it is much more efficient to use special preparation preparations for this. The composition of such drugs includes not only lactobacilli, but also special nutritious substrates, due to which the "useful" microflora can recover much faster.

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Probiotics are different, some of them, such as acipol, contain live active lactobacillia, so such a medicine begins to act as soon as the bacteria fall into the intestine, because they do not have to spend time on the transition to the "working" state.

As a nutrient, the acipol contains a caffery fungus polysaccharide - it is almost an ideal environment for the growth of "useful" microflora. As can be seen, all the components of the drug natural and it does not contain preservatives, so it must be stored in the refrigerator.

You can take acipol not only in food disorders, but also in order to prevent the possible negative impact of dysbiosis to your appearance! Lactobacilliors that are guarding your health, prevent the breeding of pathogenic microorganisms and their negative impact on your beauty and overall health.

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Look in the mirror - and appreciate your beauty and health going from the inside!

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