Emilia Clark: "In a low, plump brunette is difficult to consider Khalisi"


Millie, as his friends call it, was born in the family of sound engineer and businesswoman, was interested in the theater and even entered the London Drama Center. During his studies, he played in a variety of performances, but he didn't try to glory at all. "I am generally very calm about all this hype," Clark said somehow in an interview and, it seemed, did not lie. All who communicated with the actress, assure: touching beauty reminds all the younger sister, a girl from the neighboring yard, a simple and easy to rise. However, the "dream factory" dictates its rules - Clark has already starred in six full-scale projects, and who knows how soon she will acquire manners and habits of the real secular lioness. All prerequisites are available: at the end of the year, one of the authoritative men's magazines officially awarded Emily to the title of the sexiest woman of the world.

Emilia, your career began so rapidly! Can you dream and imagine how you have now been doing if not "game of thrones"?

Emilia Clark: "You know, in London there is a Hakney area, and there is anger and strange bar, where I worked. Most likely, I would continue this glorious occupation. " (Laughs.)

But you have a theatrical education! And how did you get that you became the star of the series?

Emilia: "At one time I was starred to advertise the British psychological support service. Apparently, my face noticed someone important - and I called me. At first, another actress claimed the role of Daeneris, she refused, they took me - and was spinning! "Game of Thrones" is a real explosion, creation in my career. The show opened me all the doors, changed life. However, before that I was quite satisfied to play on the stage and work in the bar, however. I remember, after the last casting, my colleagues for the support service mockingly said: "Congratulations, Princess!" I was absolutely not offended. Wished them all the best. So far, Call Center! "

Did you have any fears, experiences, excitement, that you will not cope with the role? Some taboo?

Emilia: "Like all the British, I'm a little choporn. So to sex on the screen I am suspected, I am a little redisters from frankness on TV. Of course, I do not say that against such moments - in the end, some of my frames in the role of Deeeneris were enough ... Mmm ... erotic. Nevertheless, sex is a subtle, sacred action. I understand that the creators of the show use it as an opportunity to attract the attention of the audience. It has always been clear to me that the wait is always greater and more interesting than the fact of the act of which took place. Well, besides, I want the most popular me, than my chest. "

Emilia Clark with humor refers to the popularity that fell on her after the role of Daeneurs Targaryen.

Emilia Clark with humor refers to the popularity that fell on her after the role of Daeneurs Targaryen.

Photo: instagram.com/emilia_clarke.

And how did you agree to such a role?

Emilia: "For the first time I read the script when I was on vacation with my family. The first series - I'm completely naked in front of the camera. Second - rape. And further on the inclined - the eating of the heart of the horse, supercoiled scenes ... told her dad: "The first five episodes you will not look!" (Laughs.)

And what was the strangest, funny on the set?

Emilia: "Now I'm already accustomed to it there, then Syam flashes semi-naked in front of the cameras. But the first season was with difficulty. When we shot the final episode where I go out of the ashes completely naked, with dragons on my arms, my colleague actor Yen Glen was very funny reacted naked on me. According to the scenario, he had to pronounce something like: "O, naked mistress", - but, since the cameras were filmed far and the facial express it was not to see, he said: "Mmth, a good breast. I like!". I could not stop and laughed like a crazy, and then modestly asked him to stop commenting my advantages. "

In general, looking at you now, it's hard to imagine the mother of dragons, a high blonde ...

Emilia: "And do not say! In shallow brunette, do not see royal khalive. I think if I had a naked, people would often recognize Daeneris in me. When my agent called me on audition, I was very surprised. Casting director said something like: "Yes, I know everything. I know that it is low, plump brunette, - and still want to make it up. "

From an unknown theater actress, you literally for one series of shows turned into a celebrity. Journalists do you and overcome. And what are the most persistent and frequent questions they ask you?

Emilia: "Oddly enough, not about personal life. Constantly ask how long it takes painting hair. Ha! Of course, these are all wigs - we have them more than steam points for filming "Harry Potter", probably. Another question I have to hear constantly, whether John Snow will survive. Such attention to another character causes me jealousy. For some reason, the whale itself does not ask this (Keith Harrington - an actor who played in the "Game of Thrones" of John Snow Character. - Approx. Author) "

Probably, you are asked because everyone is confident - you have a novel with a whale ...

Emilia: "You are waiting that I will tell you in my forehead, they say, yes, we are together with whale? It will not happen". (Smiles.)

Numerous joint photos are sometimes eloquent words.

Emilia: "When two people spend a lot of time together, they constantly communicate, a flirting - of course, something is born something ... But what - I can't say. I really like whale, but he has a relationship with Rose Leslie, our colleague. I will reveal the secret - and my heart is busy. What will happen next - I do not know, but I live and rejoice at this time. "

Nevertheless, some time ago, there were stubborn rumors that Harrington separated you with the MacFarlene Seth, your long-standing boyfriend. This is true?

Emilia: "Seth man is extraordinary, talented, bright and very jealous. Unfortunately, he jealous of me to all men on the set, and Kit was just one of many. Our connection has stopped precisely because the trust was undermined - constantly feel guilty of something you are not involved, just terrible. Of course, immediately after the break, I behaved ... let's say, not just like a lady. I tried to hurt seta, flirtary with colleagues, our photos fell on the pages of magazines. Now everything is in the past, and I realized what behavior is - the path to nowhere. "

Emilia Clark:

With a colleague on the series "Game of Thrones" Natalie Emmanuel.

Photo: instagram.com/emilia_clarke.

Let's return to the most frequently asked question. So, John Snow will survive?

Emilia: "I really do not know! (Laughs.) The producers keep the details of the script in the secret, and the next book has not yet been published - so I can only guess with the fans of the saga. "

Do you have pets on the shooting area "Games of Thrones"? Is it a whale?

Emilia: "This is Peter Dinklage, definitely. He is a star of the site, like the most popular guy in school. The girls faint from delight, if Peter begins to talk with them. This is a stunning pleasure - working with him hand in hand. It is funny, charming, gorgeous and talented. There are people who make your day better. And Peter is such a person. "

Now you are the owner of the Emmy Prize. How sensations?

Emilia: "When I just learned about the nomination, a doctor had a doctor. My agent called to congratulate, and I looked loudly. Other patients looked at me with disapproval, so I had to take myself in my hands and calmly say that now it's not the best time for the nomination, because I have to do with the doctor. To tell the truth, I still feel a foreigner in Hollywood. I am pleased that I became a star, but truly feel myself in the list of real celebrities yet. My main reward was the reunification of our film crew when we started creating the sixth season of the series. "

What are you talking about! After all, you even called the main role in the "50 shades of gray"! By the way, why did you refuse?

Emilia: "Everything for the same reason is unfortunate nudity. Golden Deeneris in the "Game of Thrones" is due. Great in "shades" serves solely to attract attention. So I refused without the slightest regret. It's just not my role. "

Now you will remember the audience and as Sarah Connor from the Terminator. But still the image of the queen will remain with you for a long time. In ordinary life, do you behave like "Her Majesty"?

Emilia: "Oh yeah! (Laughs.) I can sit at home to the royal pose and declare: "I want a chicken, not a beef!" In fact, what of me is the queen? I am simple as two kopecks! "

What would you never wear?

Emilia: "Shorts! I just can't do it, because my hips ... in a word, they are. (Laughs.) They make themselves to know - love pants and skirts. But my hips would not like to see shorts, definitely. I admire the ladies who can wear this clothes with dignity. But I am not a two-meter goddess perfect in everything, we will do without shorts. "

One of the popular questions that actresses are asked - how many hair color lasts. In fact, this is a wig.

One of the popular questions that actresses are asked - how many hair color lasts. In fact, this is a wig.

Photo: instagram.com/emilia_clarke.

Tell about your family! Fans are interested in finding out how their favorite was brought up.

Emilia: "From the part, you might think that the matriarchy reigns in our family. My mother was a vice president in a global company, always worked a lot. Love for work - from her. Dad, on the contrary, always mentioned weakness to creative activity, worked as a sound engineer in the theater. He put me a passion for the scene. When I told the Father that I plan to become an actress, he gave me a wonderful advice. "Remember, a daughter to be successful, you need to learn only one replica -" Do you want a portion of Frey potatoes? ". He hinted to be a waitress more stable and calmer than to go to artists. In general, parents after my announcement that I am now an actress, they were ready for the fact that their daughter will live as a homeless, unemployed loser. "

Do you have a good relationship with my mother?

Emilia: "Different. We love each other. She is my teacher. When I was thirteen, she gave me the best tips for girls. She said that in no case could not touch the eyebrow tweezers, because sooner or later fashion for luxury broad eyebrows will return. Well, she was right! "

How do you spend your free time?

Emilia: "Let's start with the fact that I really have little free time - there is almost no it. But when the day falls, I go to punish antique shops and wander through flea markets. I love to collect antique items. And I love to sing. I can say exactly - a more terrible singer than I, you can't find, and nevertheless I can even fulfill jazz improvisation! "

Emilia, tell us who is such a strong woman?

Emilia: "This ability to feel pain, but despite her, to continue the struggle. Even when you are alone, even when the whole world is against you. I think that strong women are stronger than men, sorry for the pun. Because they have despair and courage of a man - and women's heart, mercy and sensitivity. "

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