Minutes of joy


For example, if small children of preschool age almost half of the time, when they are awake, stay in a good mood, then by 50 years the number of time spent in good mood and, moreover, joy is reduced at times and is no more than two hours a day, regardless of whether How much time one or another person spends in a dream. Most of the time adults are tense, focused, annoyed or are in the depressed state.

Especially similar moods and conditions are characteristic of the inhabitants of large cities living northern latitudes, in countries where there are few sunny days and long winter. What to say, fun is really little. More and more trouble, worries and problems. Yes, we will complicate life yourself, instead of rejoice at little joy and enjoy every minute, every day.

Someone lives from the weekend to the weekend, working on the unloved job. Someone - from salary to salary, working on an interesting, but low-paid work. Someone from vacation - before the holidays. Each has its own criteria of life, periods of waiting and troubles that cannot be overwhelmed. And also the family, an unloved spouse / spouse, growing up children who do not work out everything they want, or the other way around, the lack of children ... Joy does not add it. And if you can change the work if you want to change, then with the family it is much more complicated. The unloved spouse / spouse is a problem, but solved. You can divorce and, perhaps, to become a little happier.

You can dilute! What about children? It will upset them, and may cause serious mental injury. As a result, the dilemma: make a happier or unhappy children, and start worrying already for them? If there are no children, then divorce the spouse to which you do not have feelings much easier. But, as it was called, the apartment taken into the mortgage was recorded for two. Leave a debt to yourself or give the apartment and the remaining interest to the spouse / spouse? No matter how cool, it is more profitable to pay together, and I don't want to part with the apartment. Again dilemma. Or a boala, lifelongly taking two. And happiness was so possible!

See, we ourselves are sources of our own problems. The point is already not even in fate. Not "destiny to take a mortgage", and the sufficient size of the monthly salary specified in the Help 2 NDFL and the size of the initial contribution. Not "Fate is unplanned to become pregnant", and neglect contraception in the middle of the menstrual cycle. Of course, there are different "but", but still, very often we yourself will take away such precious moments of joy with their stupidity, greediness and recklessness.

To the money, health issues, friendship and to the search for their second half, it is worth approaching with the mind, taking direct participation, and not just relying on the will of the case and fate. You look and joy in adults will become more.

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