Why don't you need a cat in the house


In the era of the cooking passion, the cats can hardly have a person who will oppose these cute creatures. Nevertheless, a new owner of a small fluffy lump can arise certain difficulties with the pet that we decided to tell.

Periodically instill pets

Periodically instill pets

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.


Probably the most common problem with which you may encounter. Cats are one of the most allergenic animals, and the case is in the wool itself, and in the special secret, the animal secreted. It is very unpleasant to face the situation when you have to part with a pet, so try to know in advance whether you have a predisposition to allergies, passing a special test.

Dangerous disease

In addition to allergies, you can encounter a problem with more serious, for example, toxoplasmosis. Moreover, the greatest danger is that the disease can no longer show anyone. A man sometimes does not suspect that is a carrier of infection. Cat contamination is possible even if the animal never goes outside.

And in the event that your pet loves to take a walk, take action so that it does not bring such an unpleasant thing as rabies: do the vaccinations regularly.

About deprived, probably heard everything, especially about how difficult it is to heal. However, if you abide care, conduct vaccination, wash your hands after communicating with a pet, most problems will be able to safely avoid.

Get ready to repair furniture

Get ready to repair furniture

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.

Your Furniture is in danger

Designer sofa and cat in one house are simply not compatible, especially when your pet is not going outside. Take care to provide a cat whipped a place where it might calmly sweep the claws without harm to your interior. However, no one will give a guarantee that the soft Italian sofa will not like it much more boring brakes, so be prepared to periodically repair or change furniture.


Even a pet whose wool is not too long, will leave wool everywhere. If your cat does not go outside, the melka can delay for several months, so your permanent care should be cleansing a roller for clothes and furniture.

The owners of fluffy rocks will have to be more complicated: the cat must be combed several times a week.

constantly combing the cat so as not to clean the wool in the apartment

constantly combing the cat so as not to clean the wool in the apartment

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.

The city falls asleep, wakes up a cat

A cat, like any predator, leads a nightlife, while almost all day before it sleeps. Just imagine: You worked a whole day, returning to work to go to bed as soon as possible, and your cat has completely different plans - he has already slept and full of strength to start hunting for your new designer chart. In addition, the cat can just become boring and he will begin to wake you up so that you play with him, and you have to look like a sleeping owner - a cute matter.

So, if you do not want night adventures, if possible, do not let the cat sleep during the day.

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