Woman dreams: how to understand what you need a man


Usually, the girl does not need confirmation that the man is in love with her and is seriously configured: he cares about her, spends his free time next to his woman, extremely frank, introduces his friends and relatives. However, at the very beginning of the relationship is not clear how seriously a man is tuned. The following signs will help to understand the mysterious male soul.

Your opinion is important for him

As a rule, a man who plans to spend more than a couple of weeks, begins to actively be interested in your preferences, the fact that you do not tolerate in the spirit, and, of course, will be advised. If you are really not indifferent to a man, he will never ignore your requests and himself from time to time will turn to your advice.

He spends with you a lot of free time

He spends with you a lot of free time

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.

He gives gifts

And it doesn't matter that it gives you: the fact that his brain is busy with the question "How to please it?", Says that you hooked him very much, and now he will do everything to win your location.

He has changed

It is very difficult to influence the nature and lifestyle of an adult person - he can change in his own desire. Usually a person pushes some strong shock to changes in life, and it can be both positive and negative. Therefore, if you have become a "shock", for whom a man decided to change for the better, refuse the habits that you don't like, you can only envy.

He demonstrates the surrounding that you are paired

He demonstrates the surrounding that you are paired

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.

A man says compliments

As we know, men are pretty difficult to express their feelings, but for the sake of the beloved woman, he can cross over himself, trying to make you smile.

However, it all depends on a person: someone easily flirts with a stranger, and another may need a lot of time to decide to open the soul of his woman.

He starts to jealous

Of course, we are not talking about a pathological distrust when a man is jealous of you to each Kush, namely, a small excitement that someone else will be interested in. A man will show every way that you with him together, it will be especially brightly manifested in humans and in the presence of other men: as soon as you cross with a stranger man somewhere in the mall, your partner will immediately begin to accomplish you, take your hand Thereby showing that you are already busy.

he will constantly please you

he will constantly please you

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.

If you really mean a lot for a man, and he builds plans for a joint future, let it only in thoughts, he will not regret anything for you, will definitely offer assistance in a difficult situation, and no one will dare to offend you while he is near.

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