Lemon: Universal Beauty


Most of us use lemon in their diet. It is put in tea, add to baking and just enjoy it with sour slices. But few knows that lemon is a universal beauty tool that is used even in cosmetology.

Moisturizing. A few drops of lemon juice, mixed with a pair of cocoel water droplets, will improve your skin and give her a bright healthy shade. Also laughing with this fruit lips before bedtime to make them smooth and gentle, but only if they have no wound and peeling.

Clarifying agent. From the dark and cracked skin on the elbows and the knees will help to get rid of the lemon. Wipe the flabbing zones, and you will be surprised by the magic result.

Means against acne signs. Lemon contains a high concentration of anti-inflammatory substances. Wipe the pre-cleaned skin with a slice of fresh lemon. After a while you will see that acne and black dots will simply disappear from your skin.

Cleanser. Mix in a small container of 2-3 drops of lemon juice and tea tree oil, add 150 ml of purified water. Soak in a mixture of 20 pieces of cotton disks and use them to clean the face. This means is suitable for fatty and combined skin types.

Mix to strengthen nails. Mix olive oil and lemon juice. Immerse your nails in this mixture for several minutes 2 times a week. It will strengthen their structure and bleach after staining with varnish.

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