Hobbies Elena Sparrow justifies her alias


By the sign of the zodiac, she twins. It is believed that people born under this constellation, dual and contradictory nature. And indeed it is. On the one hand, Elena has always got used to seek her. On the other hand, if the door is fixed firmly, it will not try to break her: just look for somewhere nearby swollen like a window specifically for her.

Many years ago she tried to conquer the Russian show business as a singer. And it seems to be all at first it turned out. Back in 1991, Elena appeared at the Acting Song Contest named after Andrei Mironova - with a room from the legendary Hollywood film "Cabare". Two years later, she became the winner of the Grand Prix and the Prize of Spectator Sympathies at the All-Russian Competition "Yalta - Moscow - Transit". But further it turned out that the young talent without rich sponsors and an influential producer is not interested in anyone. And then Elena ... replaced the name, taking the pseudonym sparrow, and was filed to humorists.

Approximately the same metamorphosis occurred with its collection. At first, Elena collected Vorobev - well, you need to justify your pop look! But then it was found that these proud, but invisible birds are absent in souvenir shops, antique shops and other vending points as a fact. And then she quickly switched to another animal. So now the feathers peacefully neighbor her at home with a large family of pings.

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Today, Elena "lives" more than thirty silent pets. Photo: Miguel.

Elena Sparrow: "The first points appeared with me twelve years ago. I just only took my current pseudonym and was going to leave the native theater (Lena worked from the student years in the troupe of the Buff Peter Theater. - approx. Auth.). My friend presented me with a gift - a tiny bird (she is still the most tiny in my collection) and said: "Let it be your talisman who will bring you good luck in solo career." I even froze from surprise: after all, I did not tell anyone that from now on I will call Elena Sparrow. "So you know everything?" - It was the first question I asked her. "What about?" - a friend was surprised. - "About my pseudonym." It turned out, she did not guessed anything, the gift was intuitive. But I understood: this is a good sign. So I began to assemble my "flying-running" collection ".

Where do you usually find exhibits?

Elena: "As a rule, I bring a tour. Being in other cities and countries, I will definitely go to flea markets, carefully examined all antique salons. Love for old things I inherited from my uncle Efim. He was a man with a non-standard taste. And I, quite another girl, carefully followed, literally opening the mouth, as he lives, what is interested in what he is interested. I was childishly charm, I wanted to love everything that he loved. And when I moved from my native Brest to St. Petersburg, where he entered the theater institute, all his free time spent in the shops of the oldevists. And his few revenues spent not on food and beautiful clothes, but to buy strange (according to many) items. "

How did dogs add to the sparrows?

Elena: "I was looking for my mother for the whole world. But quite quickly realized that the sparrow is a rare bird and replenish the collection is quite difficult. Nevertheless, I did not despair, spending a lot of hours on "flea" and in antique stores. And at the time of touring in Ukraine in one shop, I discovered a beautiful faience plate with the image of the Sparrow Family. Already gathered to make a purchase, how suddenly the look fell on a charming dog. It was a porcelain spanish brown color, beauty extraordinary. I froze, staring at her. The owner of the salon recognized me and immediately approached the question: "Lenochka, do you like dogs so much? Then take this sculpture! "-" Dogs I love, but I only collect Vorobyev, "I replied to him, nodding on a plate. And then he suggested me fantastic, in my opinion, a deal: if I take spaniel, then he just gives me a sparrow! And I understood: I must agree. So the first dog appeared in my collection. Already later, I learned that I had acquired a very rare thing: she was more than a hundred years old, it was made at the Philip Rosental factory from the famous porcelain world. "

First, Elena decided to collect Sparrow. Photo: Miguel.

First, Elena decided to collect Sparrow. Photo: Miguel.

The value of one or another exhibit is important for you? Can you add to your collection "faded" instance?

Elena: "Easy! Although all statuettes I have piece, not serial, but the price value does not have. The figure may cost a hundred rubles. Just she should be "mine." It is very easy to understand: I go to the store and, if I feel that another bird or a dog captured me, I do not think. I immediately buy. "

If a person collects something, it substantially facilitates the question of choosing a gift for him. Bought a dog or a weld - and the case is in a hat. And it happens that some kind of present you categorically do not like? What do you do in such cases?

Elena: "I have not happened yet. But if suddenly some thing is not going to me, take it to the cottage. Places enough! "

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Later, dogs joined her "bird" the collection. Photo: Miguel.

Daughter Sonya helps you replenish the collection? What is her relationship with your pets?

Elena: "No, my card figures are not particularly interested. Still, they are almost all porcelain, so this is not her element, not children's. She plays only with dolls. And then, the daughter just does not have time for such entertainment. She comes from school and immediately sit down to do lessons. Then - additional classes: mugs, sections. In short, she has his own life. "

Photo: Miguel. Makeup and hairstyle: Inna Alikin.

Photo: Miguel. Makeup and hairstyle: Inna Alikin.

Are you a dog yourself?

Elena: "Yes, a doggyman. Although I had and cats too. It is a pity that now there is no living nature in the house. Still, I can't afford to myself so mock the pet: with my rhythm of life, I would have to constantly throw him constant touring. By the way, when I acquired my first porcelain dog, I had a funny dialogue with Borea Moses. He called me just chat about this. Asked where it was, in which city, how was the tour. I answer: "Yes, everything is super. In addition, I bought my dog ​​in Kiev. " He me: "You're crazy! Behind it, you need to follow. " "No, you don't need to follow this dog: you don't need to walk with her or feed it." - "Wow! I want myself the same. " And only then I issued a "secret": the dog is porcelain! We are later laughing long. "

How many copies are now in your collection?

Elena: "I do not count them - they are all like relatives for me. But, I think, about thirty. "

Mostly birds and pebbles Unnamed. Photo: Miguel.

Mostly birds and pebbles Unnamed. Photo: Miguel.

Do you come up with names?

Elena: "No, so many names are not scored. Only one dog, the very tiny in my collection, has a nickname. She is especially the way to me that her acquisition coincided with a recent premiere of the performance with my participation "You are my God" on the play of American playwright Albert Gerney "Sylvia". In this production I play ... a dog. The first shows took place in St. Petersburg, at an unexpected coincidence - in my native theater "Buff". This event is very important for me, because I first trusted a serious dramatic role. And before the play, I went to the tea shop and saw this dog there. I literally lost the gift of speech. After all, it is such a picker depicted on our poster! Saleswomen treated me kindly. Finding my interest in the statuette, they immediately gave it to me. I thought that such a gift was very symbolic. In response, they invited these lovely girls to the premiere, and the dog called Sylvia. So she in my collection is the only and unique. "

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