Relationship schedule: We know how it was with you


A person is a social and arguing about it meaningless. Everyone wants to love and be loved, but what is love? At a minimum, the feeling of comfort next to the person. The schedule of relations is a great help in solving this issue. Thanks to him, you not only decompose on the shelves common with a partner plans, but also be able to deal with your problems.

Preliminary preparation

The first thing to learn about relationships is: the norms do not exist. Yes, there are rules, secretly accepted in society, but who will forbid you to break them? Relationships can be compared with the conditional field where the outsider cannot enter if he considers himself an adequate person. While one after a couple of meetings moves and live together without registration of marriage, others are solved on the first kiss a week of communication. From what exactly you are aligning how to determine how the norm will depend on your relationship schedule. Let's go from theory to practice?

What is a schedule of relationships

Psychologists determine the development stages of relations, ranging from first acquaintance and ending with old age. This is the perfect model according to which you meet a person and live with him until the end of your days. In real life, everything can be different: you can take away at least a hundred partners, but not finding your love, or, on the contrary, to get acquainted with the future spouse in adolescence and live all your life together. The following model is rather a scheme than a strict gas. We suggest you compare it with the stages of your current relationship - for sure there will be much in common.

Typical stages and time intervals

  • First date. This stage takes on those who begin relationships from "zero" - after exploring friends, at work, in a public place or on the Internet. If you were before the friends, then the next stage will rather be the next stage, which sharply changes friendship to love.

    During the first kiss, you are close for the first time

    During the first kiss, you are close for the first time


  • First kiss. This is the first signal to the future partner that you trust him. Usually, the comfort zone for strangers is about 50 centimeters. The inlet person in his comfort zone, you show him that they are ready to continue close communication. Most often, the kiss happens on the second date, but some of them ends the first meeting is also normal.
  • "Print". Some people have long look at a person before realizing that they are ready to decide on something more and give will feelings. They need to understand whether the alleged partner is suitable for their criteria, how serious is his intention and what is acceptable to him in relations. Usually it lasts 3-5 dates.
  • First sex. As soon as you understand that the person is interesting to you and feel the joy of joy from one mention of it, you can go to a new stage of relationship. Usually a couple of weeks - a month from the date of acquaintance, before people find themselves in the same bed. However, some sex happens on the first date. Yes, it is also normal.

    After the first intimacy comes honeymoon

    After the first intimacy comes honeymoon


  • We visited each other. First sex can occur at home from one of the partners or elsewhere - visiting familiar or at the hotel. For this reason, we divide similar stages.
  • Honeymoon. It is not necessary to explain anything here - a month you just enjoy each other and do not shoot pink glasses.
  • Acquaintance with friends. As soon as a person perceives you as a regular partner, he is ready to present you to friends and start spending time together. Standard - 2-3 months after dating.
  • Awareness of the severity of relationships. Yes, almost no one thinks on the first date, how many children will give birth along with a man sitting opposite him. At this stage, partners usually come up with common plans for the future in comic shape.
  • Joint journey. Perfect testing of relationships!
  • Acquaintance with parents. Six months later, a person is ready to let you down to the innermost one - his family. With some relatives you could get acquainted earlier, and we will meet with some for the first time only at the wedding.
  • Living together.
  • Wedding. This and previous stages can vary in places, but in modern realities, people will rather live together and decide whether they are comfortable with each other, and only then they will be decided to go to the registry office. Usually the offer is made a year later of the relationship.

    Wedding - a new stage of development of relations

    Wedding - a new stage of development of relations


  • Birth of children. During the first year of marriage, most couples decide to give birth to kid.
  • Children leave home. As soon as children grow up, they move away from their parents. You again stay together.
  • Old age. This stage is filled with happiness from games with grandchildren, visiting sanatoriums and spending time at the cottage. Your love is no longer a bright explosion, but never fading the flame.

How many of these items coincided with your relationship? Tell us and share the material with friends so that they remember the happy moment of the first meeting with a loved one.

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