Chronicles of Carnish


In the Alps there is a very ancient custom. During the climbing on the highlands, with each person who meets you, it will definitely adversely. This is not just a tribute to: In the old days, the traveler demonstrated the population of mountain villages that he came to them with good intentions.

The response greeting was a kind of old analogue of insurance against accident, the locals gave to understand the wanderer: if you get into trouble, you can safely count on our help. "Salute!" - That is the case to pronounce we, climbing the Lake Volaya on the mountain trail Kramars, which in common orders the expensive smugglers. In response, sometimes hearing "Guten Tag" or "ZDRAVO", which is natural: the region of the Italian region of Friuli-Venice-Julia is bordered by Austria and Slovenia.

Today, the Kramas road is a popular route for Hayking, in the past, the Deltsi is constantly unclean to hand in hand, and during the first and second world wars, it became the place of bloody battles. Now, about those times reminiscent of only the scorched wandering on the shores of the Ice Lake Volaya, which is exactly on the border of Italy with Austria. During the First World War, she was the Austrian military headquarters, later - customs, but after the formation of the European Union, the need for it completely disappeared. The smugglers in these places will also no longer meet, and the shrill whistle, which sometimes worries the silence reigning here, is not a conditional signal of dashing robbers at all, simply alpine crops thus communicate with each other.

Front day

Today, observation of the crops is the same popular species of Italian mountainous tourism, like Berdvotching in the reserves of the distant Gambia. In the Carni Alps, funny animals are found a great set, but their concentration in the vicinity of a small village Talisis, where only one church and a dozen houses. There are no hotels in the classic understanding here in principle, the only local hotel in which we stopped was a converted cobnic room with a bathroom and shining laminate floor.

By the way, observation of the Surves is an enterprise for people with enviable exposure and excellent physical training. At first, you go on the mountain paths in full silence for a long time, in order not to knock out animals, and when you hear a characteristic whistle, go to the grass and, armed with binoculars, try silently in the direction of sound. If Fortuna favors you, soon notice the misty milya, sitting on the sun-heated by the sun and looking somewhere in the distance. Well, how not to feel yourself the hero of the adventure film, because at least the goal of the mission is not quite poetic, but the process of its achievement is very even in the spirit of the fellow of Indiana Jones!

Surchant observation - an interesting occupation

Surchant observation - an interesting occupation


Our advice to you ...

In the Carnation Alps and the Valley of the River Natizon, public transport is poorly developed, so be sure to rent a car to get to the most interesting places.

The carnia region is famous for its water - it is bottling and sold in Italy supermarkets, so during the trip you can safely drink from local mountain springs and street fountains.

From the Valley of Natizon you can get to Slovenia per hour. We recommend to visit the surroundings of the Sochi River, the water in which is a unique emerald color.

Italy - Gastronomic Paradise

Italy - Gastronomic Paradise


During hiking around the mountains, pay attention to the Maps installed near the trail with the designation of Rifugio - the so-called small restaurants serving local dishes, cheeses and soups.

Do not neglect the equipment for Hayking: boots for trekking and sportswear. Also keep in mind that in most mountain restaurants, bank cards are not accepted, so stock in cash in advance.

Chinic devil

The second character who inevitably comes to mind during a trip to the mountainous regions of the Friuli-Venice-Julia region, - Shurik from the Caucasian Captive, for Gotklore gathering there is something to get used.

Especially in the Valley of the Natizon River, where we went the next day. Her main city of Cividale del Friuli retained his appearance since the Middle Ages, and it is noteworthy not only by the abbey of Longobards, but also the monumental stone bridge of the devil, with whom the old legend is connected. Allegedly to connect the two shores of the stormy river Natizon builders was not under power, so they had to call for the aid of Lucifer himself. The devil, appearing at the call, suggested the citizens a deal with predictable conditions: I am a bridge, and you - you - the soul of the one who first stands on him. When Satan finished work, the builders released an animal on the bridge, Lucifer was taken away and immediately removed the ravis.

As they say, funny, but not original. Similar stories in the Middle Ages often gone about the facilities, preserved since the time of the ancient Romans. In Italy, the devil bridges are already ten pieces, in the neighboring France, there are eight of them, and in England - seven. Another thing is a witch Krivopet - this is already a purely local story. On the walls of local caves and houses, the attentive traveler will certainly notice the images of girls with wings behind his back, the feet of the foot of which are curved unnaturally: fingers watch back, and heels forward. Meet these green women krivopet. According to the legend grooming in the valley, they lived in the caves, walked Nagishche, owned the art of healing, helped at birth and sometimes kidnapped girls from mountain villages in order to replenish their ranks with recruits.

The name of the witches is decrypted simply, it consists of a "Kriva", and Italian Piedi-feet understandable to everyone. Historians believe: Legends about green women - Echo of those times when village zonekrakam had to be hidden in the caves from all-seeing eyes of the Catholic Church, and the shape of the legs of herbal and in fact could be distorted from constant walking in the mountains. One of the caves, in which probably lived a curvopet, was later transformed into a Catholic chapel and today wears the name of St. John.

However, the stoneware medallions in the form of planets and colors are indicated about the past places in the form of planets and colors, so having no relation to Christianity solar symbols on the walls, not completely lured by clergy.

Try the Polenta - an exquisite local dish

Try the Polenta - an exquisite local dish


Great taste

The mountainous regions of Friuli Venice-Julia are curious both in terms of gastronomic discoveries. The Natizon River is famous for the trout: it is salted here, fry, smokyat and serve on a table with pieces of caramelized pear, and in the Carni Alps in honor of the lamb and young cheeses of cow's milk. The most unusual local dish - current and Bryde. It is a cross between snack and dessert. The client of large grinding is poured with almost molten cheese and refuel with chopped walnuts. It turns out a sweet and incredibly satisfying dish, which is fought in one moment, which in this case is grace, because hiking in the mountains - the event is extremely energy-efficient. Doubt? Then go to watch the crumbs! With such a cardiography, no visit to the gym can compare.

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