Recipes on the Vedas: harmonizing internal energy


Over 5,000 years ago, Vedic Astrology Jyotish appeared in the life of people. At the very beginning, healers and shamans used space energy to maintain the harmony of the soul.

It is not at all necessary to be a magician to experience the strength of an ethergecent flow: one of the ways is cooking on the Vedas.

How can planets affect our diet?

Astrologers believe that each week is subordinate to a certain planet, depending on its impact it is necessary to organize your day. We will tell what dish will become the main thing in this contempted day of the week.

Indian recipes for Monday

Monday - Day of the Moon

The first day of the working week is quite unpredictable. Despite the dimension and calm, the emergence of various disturbing situations is quite possible. Try not to make important decisions on this day, instead will concentrate on our usual affairs that need your participation. Products, ideal for use on Monday: Mac, Almond, Coconut, Sweet fruits, berries, stew vegetables, corn.

Monday's main recipe:

Coconut Pie with Bananas

Coconut Pie.

Coconut Pie.


What do you need:


- ⅓ Glass of soft oil.

- ⅔ Sugar glasses.

- 3 tablespoons of milk.

- Juice ⅓ lemon.

- pinch of almond essence.

- 2 cups of wheat flour.

- ½ teaspoon soda.

- ½ teaspoon salt.

- 1 cup of sophisticated bananas.

- 1 cup of ground rims.

- 1 cup of fried coconut.


- 3 tablespoons of oil.

- 2 glasses of sugar.

- A pinch of salt.

- 2 teaspoons of vanilla extract.

Cooking method:

- Butter and sugar swell separately from milk, which you should add to lemon juice and almond essence. Both mixes connect. Add mixed dry ingredients to the liquid mixture.

- Add nuts, coconut and bananas.

- distribute the mixture evenly for 2 bars, and send the oven to the maximum temperature in advance. After 10 minutes, loosen the fire to 170 degrees and bake another 50 minutes.

- layers need to be cooled and lubricate with icing, which is very easy to do, just whipping together all the ingredients.

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