Love is the first, Love Last: as the first experience of relations affects the subsequent life


The more getting acquainted with people and learn their stories, the more you understand: no relationship for the psyche does not pass without a trace. Some parting in the world and with gratitude recall their ex, others - they regret parting and dream of everything to return back, third - curse former boyfriends on what the light is worth. In any case, no one can forget their past relationships - Womanhit explains why it is important to take care of the partner's choice and how to get out of relationships with a minimum of negative.

Education and manners

If you are lucky to meet an adequate person who is raised in a full family, where parents love each other and respect for children, you will probably be happy with him. It is in childhood that a person will have the habits that he borrow from parents. For example, if dad often gave mom flowers and killed his son, in the same senior, he will give bouquets to girls. The same applies to the general and separate account, care of whether the girl did not frozen, help her during illness and with any other problems. It is worth noting that the girls should also take into account from Mom, how to take care of a beloved person. It's not enough to be a princess, you need to become an educated adequate person, which takes into account not only your interests, but is able to make a compromise.

The habit of take care of your beloved man in childhood

The habit of take care of your beloved man in childhood


Compliments instead of insults

At a young age, many adolescents do not know how to communicate: it is easier for them to hurt the girl you like an acute phrase, than to confess in sympathy. Girls are usually just shy. It is important that at the stage of formation of self-esteem, the attitude towards himself has changed only for the better from the words of a loved one. If instead of compliment you hear insults, with time, even objectively a handsome person will stop believing. Remember that the beloved person is the one who will support you and relieve from the complexes, and not develop them in you. Do not tolerate the negative, go away from such people and do not let them go to themselves more. You have the right to tell a man "I don't like it", even if you love him and value them.

Life in luxury

You can argue as many ways to talk about mercantility, especially the men who have nothing often do, but it is impossible to deny the logicality of the girl's desire to see near a secured guy. If you work and cover your expenses yourself, what's the point for you to meet with a poor student? It is more logical to look for a man of its level or a little higher, with which you will still feel comfortable, and not to embarrass luxury. Do not be afraid to take gifts, walk on dates and get bouquets with home delivery. A smart mature man will never lead you to a place that he cannot afford. So throw thoughts about the level of its income and enjoy the time together.

Unstable words can undermine self-esteem

Unstable words can undermine self-esteem


Stupid stories

With everyone there may be an unpleasant situation when the guy will deceive you or make it even more painful. At that moment it is important to finish the relationship without thoughts about the continuation, to realize your non-involvement in its actions, and after - to turn to a psychologist. In time, the assistance provided will save a couple of years of your life, wasted by the analysis of his behavior. Poor education, hard fate and so on - all the details of his life do not touch you. Who wants to be adequate and be responsible for their lives, he will do it despite the circumstances.

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