On the way to ideal: how to remove traces from acne


Few people were awarded perfect skin, most women are periodically fighting with various imperfections. One of the most popular problems of the modern girl is acne. In adolescence, a beautician may not even take up your problem, explaining that "after a few years it will take place." In this case, you should change the beautician, since the running form of acne can lead to irreversible consequences in the form of scars, which, although it is possible to remove, but it will be incredibly expensive.

Today we will talk about one of the consequences of the neglence of the disease - Package, and how to deal with it.

Cosmetologist will offer many procedures

Cosmetologist will offer many procedures

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.

Small red spots on the skin

At this stage, any cosmetic clinic will offer you a number of procedures, such as mesotherapy and peeling. If the redness does not affect the relief, they are quite simple to cope with them for several sessions. In addition, the beautician will offer supporting therapy and regular cleaning.


It is much more complicated with this problem, since the changed skin relief can be corrected by a whole complex of procedures, the primary therapy will become a cosmetologist. Unfortunately, to independently fight deep scars at home will not work. The dermatologist will appreciate the severity of the defeat and after that will begin to draw up a treatment plan.

If you have only a few scarring, you can completely do with acid peeling in a small concentration, which should be a competent dermatologist-cosmetologist.


This method works only if there is an easy acne or in the case when skin lesions affects not too deep layers. Most likely, you will be offered drugs based on acids and retinoids, but again, the most important thing is to find a "your" specialist who will prescribe a treatment: the purchase of creams and other drugs from acne can independently harm and worsen the situation.

Do not conduct salon procedures yourself

Do not conduct salon procedures yourself

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.

Homemade means

One of the safest ways to eliminate pedestal - clay-based masks with the addition of tea tree oil or badyaga, which contributes to skin renewal. However, remember that when using Badyagi can not appear under the right rays of the Sun without protection SPF 50.

Green or blue clay mask with tea tree oil

Buy in a pharmacy clay in powder, as the finished compounds can burn the skin strongly, dissolve a small amount of clay in water before the formation of sour creamy thick, then add a pair of oil drops, not more: the concentration of tea tree oil is very high, so the risk of getting a burn is still there is. Apply the composition on the skin and wait ten minutes. Just do not let the clay dry: constantly keep the mask in a wet state, as the dry crust of clay on the skin will stretch out all the moisture.

It is important to care for the skin, even if there are no visible problems yet.

It is important to care for the skin, even if there are no visible problems yet.

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.

Blue clay mask with badge

Similarly, cast a clay with water in glassware, add half the dry badyaga package, stirred with clay and apply to the face, leaving for five minutes - the journey can cause an allergic reaction, so before applying to the face Test it on a small area of ​​the skin on your hand.

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