Bunk in the family: what mistakes you allow in communicating with a teenager


Each parent will have to face such an unpredictable period in his child's life, as a teenage age: for someone it passes almost unnoticed, and for other families becomes a real test. Moreover, the situation is often glowing not only the children themselves with their behavior, but also reasonable adults who are trying not to agree, but to suppress the teenager, thereby placing the negative even more. We thought and decided to figure out what situations only give you away from the teenager.

You are constantly criticized

A big mistake of many parents, especially if the child is the first and only one. In childhood, parental instructions are justified by the lack of experience in the child and the desire of the parent salary from negative experiences. In the case of adolescents, such a scheme of behavior may cause not only rejection, but also aggression from the young man. The worst thing that the parent can make in a situation where the handsome child does not ask for advice, - start criticizing the decisions and choosing a child. Try to always find the reason why the child comes in one way or another, criticism is a way to nowhere.

Sometimes the passion can become a matter of life

Sometimes the passion can become a matter of life

Photo: www.unsplash.com.

Do you carry stereotypes about teenagers on your child

Each of us is individual, which means to do unambiguous conclusions, especially when they concern your child - to lose his respect. It is believed that all adolescents are distinguished by an absolutely inflexible character, whims and lack of empathy for adults. It happens, however, however, to put everyone in one row - the occupation of an unworthy adult. Many young people can boast much more achievements and desire to develop than many adults. Consider what is interested in your teenager? Perhaps what you consider a waste of time can turn into a matter of life.

You can't suspic

Of course, you should not let the life of your child on Samotek, however, to suspect a child at worst, too, are not worth it - as a rule, the worst expectations are always justified, especially if we are waiting for this. Give your teenager a chance to show yourself from a good side, not convincing him that "nothing can still be released out of it." Remember that your installations can break a person life.

You do not accept his personality

One of the largest problems of modern adults is the inappropriateness of other people. The world develops in such a rapid pace that parents in any generation of Will-Neils lag behind trends, and unknown and incomprehensible moments in the life of the child always cause distrust, fear and irritation. Leave it. The child entered into adolescent age is important to get his own experience, having tried in new hobbies for him, developing its talents. As we said in the point of criticism, try to understand the reasons why your child is doing so, and not otherwise, in addition, perhaps the passion for your teenager is not so useless, as you could see at first glance. Do not hurry with conclusions.

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