Dmitry and Catherine Lansky: "All anything, except for banalities!"


They are fifteen years old and during this time they managed to play seven weddings. And it's not just to confirm your feelings. Dmitry Lanskaya and his wife Catherine believe that life is a kind of series, which should be interesting to look. Ex-soloist of the Prime Minister Group is now composer and producer. His tracks sound in the series "Lucky", "Fizruk", "Loud Communication", "Olga". Catherine - director and producer, worked on the first channel, in the company Artes and Igor Krathty. She often acts as a customer director for Lanskoy & Co Group. And in the clip "Infinite Summer" Lansky starred with children, and in principle this name is quite possible to consider the credo of this creative, bright family. Details - in an interview with the magazine "Atmosphere".

- You met at Dmitry's birthday. And he so romantically said that one head of life ended and the second began. Catherine made such a strong impression?

Dmitriy: Of course, it produced. (Smiles.) At that moment, when she entered and ran up to congratulate me, the suspension was collapsed with glasses over the bar. There was a roar, ringing of broken glass. Fortunately, no one was injured.

- Katerina, how did you get on this party? Did you invite friends, did you know something about Dmitry at that time?

Catherine: I have been working for many years by the director of Igor Cool, and one of our projects on the TV channel "Russia" was a "hot dozen". This day has passed several filming, but friends offered: "And you know, today Lanskaya celebrates his birthday. Look at the holiday to a beautiful guy? " I liked the combination: a handsome guy and a birthday. (Smiles.) So everything came out. By the way, there was an interesting point: shortly before that, walking along the corridor in Ostankino, I noticed a person with an unusual bag, like a pilot, and in my head the thought broke out that her owner is probably a very interesting person. Fielding special bag for the command composition of officers, which is used to store important documents and cards, not every second can be seen. I as a director I think the images and notice the details. This bag smelled to me in the soul as a perfect artifact, with a parallel as the owner, most likely, perfection itself, and although I saw only his back - "Dzin" occurred. I thought that I would definitely want to know the story of such an amazing thing. And here at Dima on the day of birth the first thing I saw in the hands of the birthday girl - the very fateful field bag! Double "Dzin" - this is already a sign. "So he who commander of my life!" - I thought. (Laughs.)

- Dmitry, do you believe in signs that fate sends?

Dmitriy: All in space in some signs. Another thing - how much we notice them and know how to decipher.

- At that time, remember your mood, the state of the Spirit. What goals did you put in front of ourselves?

Catherine: We both were creepy careerists. Not in the sense that stepped on the heads, but in the sense of creativity. By the way, we often say that we are like a brother with a sister and like everyone. And here we agreed with Dima that we do not set our goals to please each other. I could read a textbook on physics, he in response to me - the "Tibetan Book of the Dead." We communicated on deep interesting topics, without a flash, desire to make an impression, and it was fine.

Dmitry and Catherine Lansky:

"At that moment, when Katya entered and ran to me to congratulate, the suspension was collapsed with glasses above the bar. Fortunately, no one was injured."

Photo: Sergey Skopintsev, Natalia Ivanova

- How important is the life satellite to be talented?

Dmitriy: In my opinion, it does not matter at all. And what is "talented"? What criteria can this be determined? Everything is very illusory. Satellites of life should not evaluate each other on social criteria: talented, successful, rich. They love not for something, but contrary to. Partner is not a thing, you choose it not to boast of in society. This is a person who is spiritually close to you and with whom you are going to go through your life path.

- And when did the awareness come to you that Catherine is the same person?

Dmitriy: We have long and worried about each other long enough. Despite the fact that we communicated well, and there was mutual interest. Probably passed a year before we realized that everything was serious. Already there was a car accident, in which Katya got, and I visited her in the hospital. There was an amazing trip to India, which brought us closer. We met, the experienced experience of past relations, and carefully treated the selection of a partner.

- Catherine, proposal of hands and hearts has become a surprise for you?

Catherine: The first offer was a kind of fan. We flew to Las Vegas - it was a working trip. I think there is not married - generally sin! (Laughs.) I am sure that you need to marry, and the sooner, the better. Recently, I overheard the conversation of the border guards at the airport. One told another, how much he likes the girl, but they are still familiar yet, he does not know whether it is worth doing her offer. And I am through the head of the border guard who told my documents, screamed into the window doubting from his window: "Be sure to marry! If something goes wrong, divided, but you will not regret anything! " The queue applauded. (Laughs.)

"In my opinion, you have a romantic nature: made rings from the titanium rod, who fastened the hand of Catherine after the accident, and the weddings you had a few in different parts of the world.

Dmitriy: We both have been busy in the film industry for many years, and we have the theory that people themselves are in a certain series. Therefore, we support our high rating. (Smiles.) A film about our life should be interesting to look, and we have to exist.

Catherine: I recently read a lecture to my students, and they stated: "You are all so smoothly folded in life, like in the movie!" I say: "Yes, guys, just like in a movie - it is only visibility. So it was not always. " Showed her scar after the accident. As early as I was on the fifth month of pregnancy, we had a house burned down. And this happened in 2008, when the crisis struck. A lot and beautiful, and dramatic happened over the years.

Dmitry and Catherine Lansky:

"Plato is fond of poetry, studying music school in the class of drums and marimbs"

Photo: Sergey Skopintsev, Natalia Ivanova

- And which of your seven weddings is the most memorable?

Dmitriy: Probably the main for us and our relatives was the wedding ceremony in 2007. This is the main event, everything else is around him.

- And I thought, for Catherine, the wedding itself was a wedding in India, when both of you both naked heads.

Catherine: By the way, you guess. This event really left very bright memories. The rite was carried out on the Vedic tradition, we had a temple elephant who blessed us with his trunk, we put on traditional clothes. And internally for me this Indian wedding was important.

- Fifteen years together - this is a long time. Passed through crisis moments?

Dmitriy: All family life is a crisis, it seems to me. (Laughs.) We are both very ambitious with Katya and do not want to give up the palm of the championship to another. Therefore, we are all the time in finding a compromise. In our country, a man is considered the head of the family, but as you could make sure my wife is a very bright and strong person, so we are trying to build a dialogue, and sometimes it is not easy.

- Is it possible that two people coincide like puzzles in a mosaic?

Dmitriy: As a rule, this is exactly what happens. But further life changes these puzzles. Whether they can stay together depends on joint efforts.

Catherine: You then tell about your nickname! (Laughs.)

Dmitry: Yes, puzzle is my nickname in the family. The second meaning of this word is "puzzle".

- That is, you are a difficult person ...

Catherine: I'm not looking for light paths. (Laughs.) Recently, we had a meeting with my beautiful girlfriend, the artist Baiba Baiba, with which we make a joint project, and director. And now he is something important and broadcast for a long time, and at the end of the monologue declared: "And in general, I am a dictator!" Baiba raised a calm face from a cup with coffee and said: "Katya loves dictators for breakfast, lunch and dinner." Does this sketch explain to you? (Laughs.)

Dmitry and Catherine Lansky:

"Sofia besides what plays a harp, writes a book, also removes small videos"

Photo: Sergey Skopintsev, Natalia Ivanova

- It is important when the spouses have one "cultural code". In Dmitry's family, everyone was engaged in science. Catherine, and who are your parents?

Catherine: I think this cultural code with Dima and united. They say if you want to understand how your wife will look like in twenty years, look at her mother. My mother is a choreographer and in his sixty years old elegant and slim. They are with Dima best friends. Sometimes it seems to me that it is her child, and not me, because she is always on his side. (Smiles.) My dad is a balletmaster, traveled with tours around the world, put the wonderful productions in Japan. A very bright person who has greatly influenced my worldview. The family was creative, my childhood is beautiful, and someday I will write about this scenario. Dad took me to the circus at the rehearsal, I was then six years old. And I also showed my acrobatic numbers in the arena. (Smiles.) I remember, the circus did not have money to pay for the production. They died with a lion, and we gave it to the carcass. We traveled a lion meat whole month.

- Dmitry, what woman got you: she ate a lion!

Dmitriy: So I also do not seeking easy ways. (Smiles.) Love story is supported when there is resistance. Two polar charges that are attracted, but they have a very high degree of relationships. The main thing is that there is a desire to find a consensus.

"When a man feels guilty, he comes with a bouquet or a gift ... Do you too?

Dmitriy: This is a stereotypical thinking. We do not do the same as everyone. And this is also one of the basics of our Union. Anything other than tribalities. Only so you can maintain interest in what is happening and maintaining a high rating in this series called "Life".

Catherine: If Dima came with a bouquet after a quarrel, most likely, this bouquet would fly into his face. We both will not tolerate false, familiarity and flattery. I appreciate nontrivial notes attention. I remember, we sat in the company, and I drew attention to the color of lipstick of one of our acquaintances. Asked a girlfriend what kind of brand and tint. And the next morning, Dima took the children to school, and I watched sweet dreams, I open my eyes, and in the bedroom he was with a cherished tube in his hands! He specially searched and bought such lipstick for me. I did not ask him about it, he himself guessed and pleased me. (Smiles.)

Dmitry and Catherine Lansky:

"We respect and appreciate the integrity of each member of our family, his world, who gently protects, so that a person is warm and nice to create"

Photo: Sergey Skopintsev, Natalia Ivanova

- You have a creative tandem. And your video for the song "Life in the Scattered Light" received the main prize London International Motion Picture Awards. In the work, everything is not easy too?

Dmitriy: In the professional sphere it is important to separate personal emotions from the case. At that moment, when we are on the set, we first of all colleagues and co-authors, not a husband and wife. For me, the process is both better for the process, more important than dominance. It is important to be open to someone else's opinion, listen to each other and trust. We created a lot more together - not only clips, but also a twenty -cery project for MTV, where Katya was a director, and I am a producer. By the way, we were then only born Plato, he was two months old, and he also attended the set.

Catherine: Every three hours I rang in Grimvagen with filming - feed the baby with breasts, because I am against artificial feeding. And Sofia was two years old, and when we came home after the twelve-hour shift, our rebound girl asked attention: "Play with me." So we are a long and durable team. That series was really well and qualitatively made, the Russian analogue of "Sex in the Big City". All our friends were confident that after that I would send me suggestions, but the career took off did not happen. Apparently, fate has his plans. But I am grateful that everything happened exactly like that! And I had these magical ten years, when I could experience the taste of maternity to fully, engage in children, to learn a bunch of beautiful poems - from "I am different, I'm bullied and idle" before the story about "fool with poppy". (Laughs.)

- Your children are also very creative ...

Catherine: Yes, Sofia besides what plays the harp, he writes a book, also removes small videos. When the dad was with us on Quarantine, she began to shoot the series, which called the Forest Detective, and gave us different tasks in the forest. Plato is fond of poetry, studying the music school in the class of drums and marimbs. He fully complies with his name: This is the knight of my heart, which absorbed all my endless tenderness and dad liability and rigor. When there are no Dima nearby, and I and Sophia, what is called, we go to the rampant, it is Plato calls us to order.

- You are people who are associated with publicity. Children give landmarks, how to treat success, glory?

Catherine: Only your own example. I really like how they react to everything. Of course, they are proud of Pope and Mom, but do not brag. We have very thin and sensitive, really higher reasonable creatures. Literally the other day, the mother produced the performance and disappeared in the day theater, they themselves removed the video and won the WCOP The World Competition of Performing Arts in Hollywood.

Dmitriy: Do not bring up children - you need to raise yourself.

- How did the music come to them? Sofia Sam chose the harp?

Catherine: In Moscow, I have a terrible tracheitis, and because of the ecological situation we decided to live on two countries. And so, barely moved to Jurmala, walking, I accidentally came to a beautiful building, entered the inside, and I did not want to go out from there. So go now there five times a week. (Laughs.) The first person I met on the way was the director of the legendary school in Latvia named after Emil Darzine - School of National Treaty! This is the oldest educational institution in the country, he ended with Raymond Pauls. Despite its status, the director turned out to be a very responsive and attentive person. I told about my talented daughter. He said: "Come to the interview." We passed the interview and entered the preparation for school. And in order to get into this school, the children pass the Solfeggio and specialty exam. And before the exam, there is a big concert for young custody, where they are presented with all musical instruments to choose their specialty. That's then Sofia and stated that he wants to play on the harp. We joke that our children are sick with giantism (laughs), each tool is more than the other.

Dmitry and Catherine Lansky:

"The rite was conducted on the Vedic tradition: the temple elephant blessed us with his trunk, and we put on traditional clothes"

Photo: Sergey Skopintsev, Natalia Ivanova

- Dmitry, you at one time chose another way, did not go in the footsteps of the parents. And now you are pleased that children, like you, do you like music?

Dmitriy: On the one hand, it is nice. On the other hand, they have obvious abilities to music. I am in providing opportunities for development. And the child is already implemented in those areas, what does attraction feel. Not the fact that they will become professional musicians. This is a complex and quite cruel path. It is very important for me that a certain cultural and intelligent basis is laid, an understanding of the beautiful. Perhaps the moment will come, and the children will change the guidelines, they will be interested in something else and leave music. From certain age in classical music, cease to make the difference between children and adult musicians. To continue to do, we need an internal impulse and passion. I have a great desire, and it was voiced in the family so that the children get an initial musical education, and then they are free to choose any sphere of activity that they like.

- It is important for you that the children are realized in social terms?

Dmitriy: The main thing is that they are happy, it is much more important than social status, a huge account in the bank, three houses with pools and park cars. Internal happiness is what it is worth striving for in life. Ekaterina and I worked on some of the most secured people in the world, which are included in the Forbes list. In the material plan, they could afford almost everything, but at the same time there were an internal non-vital and unanswered questions. Personal integrity is important. First of all, you should be in the world by itself, and not to prove something to society.

- What are the pros and cons of life into two countries? As I understand it, your work does not require a permanent stay in Moscow?

Dmitriy: The musical direction Lanskoy & Co is only part of my professional life. Since 2013, I have been working as a producer in one of the largest companies in the GOOD STORY MEDIA film industry. I launch the teams that implement new movie and telepostects. My day is divided into two parts: I spend the first in the office, on the set and in the assembly, and the second - in the music studio, working on music for movies and serials. Life in Jurmala is good, but while the basis of a business is associated with Moscow. I usually spend ten days in Moscow, five - in Jurmala.

Catherine: For my part, I can say that it's not easy in the XIX century, men went hiking, and women stayed at home with children, they taught poems, musical works, put homemade performances. And by the arrival of the head of the family dressed up and, dizzyfully beautiful, demonstrated their skills. By the way, with an amazing Maria de Varkoff this year, we just started to engage in the revival of the tradition - the country theater. With anchlamp of 5 evenings in the Dacha Theater Fabrika, which is located in the atmospheric density of the XIX century in Jurmala, the premiere shows of the play "Peak Lady" in the same name of A. S. Pushkin. It is necessary to carry beauty and harmony into the world. This has a specific logic. Dima writes music, we do not distract him. What is the main thing for the composer? Silence. And we give him this silence. Then dad comes - we are glad, he pleases us, spend the time fine together. And again immerse each in their life processes. We respect and appreciate the integrity of each member of our family, his world, who gently protects, so that a person was warm and nice to create.

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