I play a role: go to acting courses


The desire to get acting skills is increasingly appearing in people who are not going to play in the theater or film. Actress Ekaterina Rokotova told about the benefits of primary acting education.

Acting is not only the ability to play Hamlet or talentedly reincarnate into the heroine of Chekhov's play. There are many, it would seem, not at all creative professions, where there is a not the last role playing the possession of the voice, the speech and the ability to manage its emotions.

Ekaterina Rokotova

Ekaterina Rokotova

Acting skills allow people to relax, remove the inner clamp, eliminate public speeches from fear. The most valuable quality of the speaker is in a difficult situation to be able to look at yourself from the side and with the help of an improvised performance to change the tonality from the minor to the major. Acting skills helps to develop such skills as oratory, voice ownership, speech technique. After such trainings, you will be much easier to control your breath, voice and body. You can also improve communication skills - the ability to properly state your thoughts, hear the interlocutor and to inform information. For those who want, but for some reason he is shy to get acquainted with the opposite sex, acting skills and subsequent liberation will also play a positive role in life. You will stop omitting your eyes when you see an excellent stranger or stranger. And maybe find the only one ...

If you want to get an acting education, it is not necessary to enter the theater university. Appropriate skills can be obtained on casting courses. Sometimes even offers free learning. For example, in cultural centers of different countries that operate in Moscow. When choosing courses, many want to get as teachers. But much more important is the discipline that will teach. Among the items are not only acting skills, but also the stage speech and the foundations of the stage movement. Before making a decision, go to the trial occupation and select the School that you like.

Do not believe the conversations that it makes no sense to learn the actor when you are already thirty. Here is the main thing - a desire and a clear understanding, for which you need it. Even follow the children's dream is never too late. And it is possible to fight with shyness and fear of public speeches at any age.

Home Exercise on Speech Technology

There are many exercises to improve diction. One of them is called "Candle". It allows you to learn how to talk for a long time and do not choke. Take a strip of paper about 15 × 4 cm. Apply to the mouth at a distance of 5-7 cm. Lips stretch into the tube, as for a whistle, and start blowing on paper. Watch that the angle of inclination of the strip was the same throughout the exhalation. If the exhalation is intermittent - the paper will start climbing, drop or tremble. With a smooth exhalation, a piece of paper will be in the same position, remind the tilt of the candle. It should also be paid to the need for light voltage in the field of intercostal muscles and diaphragms.

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