Oksana Fedorova: "I like my age"


- Oksana, congratulations on your birthday!

- Thank you! It's nice to get a congratulation from such a distinguished publication.

- It is said that a birthday is a sad holiday. And for you?

- For me, my birthday has always been a cheerful holiday. Why be sad? About what?

- You do not scare numbers in the passport?

- After fifty years, I may think about this issue. But not yet ... I like my age. This is the age of big cases and accomplishments.

- To significant dates, a person usually summarizes some results. You thought about what came to what was achieved, maybe, what did you lose?

- So many cases now that time to stop and think about what is happening is absolutely no. Everything goes to your woman, and thank God!

- Have you achieved a lot in life, how do you all have time?

- I try not to postpone the case what can be done now. Time has become very versatile. Every day puts forward new tasks. In this stream, it is important not to miss the main thing. And if you start something important, it is necessary to finish ...

Oksana Fedorova:

Oksana to the last time of pregnancy led the transfer of "good night, kids!". And after the son of Fedor, in March of this year, gave birth to the son of Fedor, after a couple of months aired again, returning his former physical form. .

- Does it happen that you are too lazy?

- Laziness, as a rule, appears from Lurestania. When there is nothing to do, she's like here. Probably, so I do not like to rest for a long time and depart from affairs. I am always in touch, in the event of events. I wonder everything that happens around me. I got used to active life. I like her.

- Do you put goals for the next 5 years, to the 40th anniversary?

- I put it, but I do not like to talk about them. Better something to do, and then say. Right?

- Agree with you. Recently, you have received a prestigious premium of the world than surprised many of our fans.

- This is the BIUF Award (Beirut International Awards Festival). It is held under the patronage of President Lebanon. Its intends to celebrate persons mainly by Lebanese origin who have received worldwide recognition in the field of science, culture and humanitarian activities. Also this award is awarded foreign citizens who are in their own way, one or another country in the Arab region can adequately represent their active position. Last year, our cosmonaut Alexei Leonov was awarded from Russia from Russia, this year I was honored with such an honor.

- Everyone is all discussing your beautiful shape. How did you manage to recover so quickly after delivery?

- Active life position. (Smiles.) In fact, it all depends on habits. I learned myself to keep in shape. Physical exercise, care for themselves - it is integral things for me. The main thing here is not to be lazy, do not let your body on maternity leave.

"So a birthday decided to meet on stage?"

- Yes. This time I will spend my first big charitable concert in the Kremlin. It is called "Birthday with love!" My friends will perform at the concert - famous musicians, Russian pop artists, theater and cinema. I will sing and me. Spectators at the concert will be adults and children from various social organizations and institutions. Many of them will come to Moscow for the first time.

- Your favorite men - Son Fyodor and spouse Andrei - will be with you?

- The son will stay at home - he is still small. Andrei must be among the audience.

- The baby easily releases from myself?

- Fedyushka is under constant supervision. It is surrounded by the attention of our native grandmothers. He is very smiling, looking at everything with interest. Not crying. And already manifests independence in mastering its territory.

- The fact that you are the most famous children's transfer "Good night, kids!", Do you help in concerns about my son?

- Rather, on the contrary. The birth of a son gave me a new impetus in work on this program. In a different way, you feel in the frame of the children's transfer. Those moments that were previously part of the image, part of the game, have now become an embodiment of you. And in communicating with the son, and in the dialogues with the characters of the program, you feel like that you are. You understand the world of children better.

This picture is the first experience of the TV host in painting. She wrote her for three days to present his beloved husband for his birthday. .

This picture is the first experience of the TV host in painting. She wrote her for three days to present his beloved husband for his birthday. .

- Lullaby "sleep tired toys" sing?

- Lullaby sing your own. More often this is an expression - a mixture of my and folk songs. I have a song with the name "all because of you" in my musical repertoire. According to the idea, it is devoted to a man. Now I sing this song to my son, because because of him the world has become different for me.

- It is known that you gave your spouse for my birthday a picture, which they themselves wrote. How did he appreciate such a gift?

- He was in a quiet delight, did not expect such a gift. I wrote the picture for three days, in the morning, when my husband went to work. It was the interpretation of the famous painting of Mark Stegal "Above the City", there two lovers sail in heaven. I called it "in the seventh heaven."

- What are you dreaming about your birthday?

"I really want my concert to go with interest to the audience, so that everything works out how conceived." Somehow a long time ago, I spent my birthday in the circle of children's creative teams from the boarding schools of the Noginsky district of the Moscow region. It was a beautiful pre-New Year holiday with attractions, performances of professional and amateur artists. Therefore, for me it will be a big gift for fate to continue this tradition on a big professional scene.

- Oksana, can you say that you are happy?

- Yes, I am very happy! I have a family, there is a son, there is a favorite job. I have a spectator, which I am very grateful.

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