How to become the best parent


No one is born by an ideal parent, and it is impossible to achieve perfection in raising children, the only decision is to find an approach to each of their children. Any parent knows what mistakes he made at one time or another, and many of them we do in ignorance. We will give some advice to parents who are confused and want to know if the direction is right they move in the upbringing of their child.

The child must trust you

The child must trust you


The child does not doubt your love

Parental love should not need confirmation. The child should know that under any circumstances you will love him and maintain, whatever misdemeanor he. If you constantly hear from my son or daughter: "Do you love me?" It is worth thinking what you do wrong.

The child needs to scold for his actions, and not for its existence

In no case cannot be generalized when the child did something that you were unacceptable. Notice, there is a big difference between the phrases: "In this situation you did it stupid," and "How can you be so stupid to make such a thing!" The child automatically perceives this promise as a whole: it is difficult for him to separate his personality from what he does, so any criticism means a negative assessment of all its being for him. To prevent this, try to think about everything you are going to say in the edification.

No authoritarian regime

For any child, regardless of his character, a strict edge tone is a self-esteem killer. Most often, parents make it unconsciously, so they are trying to seem to them. Rail a child with a "real man", and in fact they apply a terrible injury of the rapid psyche. The child should not be afraid of you: if you notice that the kid is constantly waiting for your approval, try to change the anger to mercy and give your breath a little more freedom in self-expression.

He must contact you for help.

He must contact you for help.


Everyone can make mistakes

All - both adults, and children, however, are not talking about this in his youth. What do you think, where does most of the nerve adults come from? Everything goes from childhood. When the child needs to be always and in all the first, he stops perceiving mistakes as part of life - for him they become the end of the world. If you do not want to crush the psyche at the very beginning of the way, stop demanding the impossible and give the child to live childhood with all his mistakes.

Let it express emotions

Let it express emotions


You openly express feelings

The parents are cold in the emotional plan grows the same children who are not accustomed to show feelings. However, the expression of emotions is an important stage of socialization, in adulthood a child will need to establish useful contacts and feel the mood of another person if he wants to build a trusting relationship. Let the child speak without constraint and express what he has in the soul, and also do not be afraid to do it yourself.

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