Mark Bogatyrev: "I want to marry once so that it was a long and honest relationship"


Mark Bogatyrev is a new star on the domestic kinoneblone. After the series "Kitchen", where the actor played the young and ambitious cook of Max, interesting offers at least debug. Like spectator love. I was able to make sure of it with my own eyes. While we recorded interviews, at least three people approached the brand to make selfie and take an autograph. However, in his life, everything was not always smooth.

He often dreamed of dreams about Moscow. What he is lost in the underground transitions of the subway, late is in a hurry somewhere and cannot find exit. Nevertheless, this brilliant and sophisticated city manil him. Mark since childhood dreamed of being an actor. He was transformed when he went to the scene and without exaggeration he felt part of some magic. Success came not immediately - there were disappointments, and the moments of despair. However, most of all we appreciate exactly what got great difficulty. Perhaps that is why Mark does not fell victim to the "Starry Disease", remaining a simple and charming guy.

Not so long ago, I looked at TV shows with your participation - "Spider" and "Great". You can rejoice, Career went to the mountain?

Mark Bogatyrev: "Indeed, for me these are iconic works. After the "kitchen," where I was perceived as a fun cook, which constantly falls into some ridiculous situations, it is already a completely different role. In "Spider" my hero is circusch, Georgians, very in love, temperamental. Male, real in it is much more than in Max. This is a very life character. As for the "Great" ... Vasily Zalessky - a man of another era, consciousness, with other concepts of honor and dignity. If Max constantly lied, running, tried to catch it, then the prince is a real standard of honor. So from a frivolous boy, I moved to another "weight category". (Smiles.)

Mark Bogatyrev was born in Moscow, but grew up in Obninsk

Mark Bogatyrev was born in Moscow, but grew up in Obninsk

Photo: Personal archive Mark Bogatyreva

In the "Great" basically there are historical characters, and yours is a certain collective image. What was inspired in work?

Mark: "I found a history teacher who told me about the morals of that era. We talked a lot with him, I watched historical films. And when the shooting began (and we were filmed in St. Petersburg, in all these beautiful palaces), I stayed for a long time before the pictures on which the Venels of that era were depicted, peered into the face. It seems to me that there were fewer fuss in those times. In those people there is a feeling of calm. They appreciated the time in a different way, did not rush anywhere. Even the stylistics of speech was different - weighty, dense. Since my hero is the prince, I had to show this breed. I confess, first it was difficult. I got into the historic picture where very serious actors are busy, from a long and fairly specific series. And it was necessary to restructure, bother in a completely different image and be convincing in it. I worked a lot over the flow of text, the manner of talking. Vasily Zalessky perfectly held in the saddle, so I had to do horse riding hard ride. I learned to jump gallop. (Smiles.) Began to take fencing lessons. And these puzzles were evolved, folded, and in the middle of the picture I had a feeling of ease in this image. I even thought that in my past life I served at the court. (Smiles.) I entered during the filming of some buildings and caught dejavu, as if I used to go here! It was and strange ... and nice. "

Did not want to dig in your pedigree? Suddenly…

Mark: "No, before that did not come. Grandfather I have a physicist, Mom artist. My father I did not see - my mother brought me up alone. I was more interested in history, Ekaterininskaya era. Catherine had many favorites, she loved them, supported, gave the lands, estates. Prince Zalessky and Grigory Orlov - rivals. I wanted to understand what the difference between them. If Orlov is a sort of brake, a shirt-boyfriend, loves to show, then the Zalessky - the embodiment of a male nobility, blue blood! I felt it in the character and tried to convey. I helped me a lot, something prompted by the director Igor Zaitsev. For example, there was a rather complicated scene with Maria, Zalessky's wife. He came a letter from Catherine. Queen called a secret date. And it is necessary to understand this dual position of the prince: he loves Catherine, but there is a debt to his wife, and the nobility does not let him go out of the house. We looked for a long time, thought how to play this scene. As a result, it seems to me, she succeeded. In general, at first, the prince seemed to me that in addition, but throughout the project I grew up, communicated with my wonderful partners of Pasha Dereviko, Viktor Rakov, Sergey Shakurov ... Absolutely positive memories of this work. "

And not bored after the painting to return to the usual life? Such an era - intrigue, novels, conspiracies, and then everything is finely and fuss.

Mark: "Well ... Anyway, you understand that you are not your hero. Although some part of it, some of the habits of you remain. I remember, we shot the scene of fights with Sasha Samokhvalov, and I was very well a fencing! I decided that I would continue to do this. "

Today it's hard to believe in it, but in childhood the handsome Mark was a pretty full and awkward guy

Today it's hard to believe in it, but in childhood the handsome Mark was a pretty full and awkward guy

Photo: Personal archive Mark Bogatyreva

You are talking about your characters: a noble prince, temperamental Georgians and cooks - they are different, but for some reason does not leave the feeling that inland melancholy is inherent in them.

Mark: "Yes, there is ... it is some kind of immersion, a permanent inner monologue. It is typical of this in life, and, apparently, I give it to my heroes. Perhaps my melancholy comes from childhood. It was harsh. I am from a poor family, constantly stopped someone's things, I was often offended, teased, I grew up. (Smiles.) In the MHT named after Chekhov, too, enough for a long time I got insignificant roles. But I think that this my feature is inner sadness - plays and a positive role, gives me a depth as an actor. "

Become an actor is a certain adventure. Alas, not for all graduates of theatrical universities are an interesting job.

Mark: "But I always wanted it. I was seven years old, and I showed some tricks, mixed friends, and dreamed of becoming a circus artist. Then, when I was ten years old, I went to the starry camp, there was a theater circle under the leadership of Oleg Demidov. My first role is the octopus of the axis from the "Little Mermaid". The performance we set on the lake. Although I had little text, I was very charming "waving" with my hands. (Smiles.) And apparently liked, because Demidov said: "There is a youth theater in Obninsk, come." It so happened that when I came, the theater literally leaving the next day on tour with the play "The Wizard of the Emerald City". But I still gave the role of Guardian Goodwin. They assured: "You cope!" And I had such fear! I went to the scene and forgot everything words from excitement. (Laughs.) After the performance, the director said that we generally strike this role. Four years I sat without roles. But then something has changed: I lost weight, I began to like girls, I have a comma voice, I began to study in the gym, felt in myself. I really wanted to scene. For some reason, there I felt more free and happy. And all my inner melancholy disappeared somewhere. (Smiles.) Apparently, the director noticed something that, I had roles. Dreams began to come true. " (Smiles.)

Mark Bogatyrev:

In the television film "Great" Actor played Prince Zalessky

And you decided to enter theatrical. How did your relatives perceived it?

Mark: "Grandfather was very worried that I would not work with me. I joked that I need to marry for the calculation, to find a rich bride. (Laughs.) He is Dr. Science, he has another warehouse of the mind. The acting profession is not serious for him. Today you are invited to projects, you have a job, and tomorrow you forgot about you. He wants to make a film about how the Earth appeared. Works above the theory of thermo planes, which by air will transport goods in several thousand tons. He also came up with the formula of immortality. "

Even so?!

Mark: "Yes, it is built on cloning."

Mark, and you are interested in the theme of eternal life?

Mark: "I believe that there is a material body and there is a spirit. In the course of life, we make a choice, we learn something and recruit certain points. Then the Spirit leaves the body. And he for these glasses give new, more. So in this respect we are immortal. "

Are you a romantic in kind?

Mark: "Yes, what else!"

Moscow is a fairly rigid city in relation to visitors, romantic agents are difficult here.

Mark: "I remember when I came to Moscow for the first time, I had a car, the" six "brown, old. My friends and I were late for the performance, and I was stuck in a traffic jam on the Kremlin bridge. I realized that if now, after a minute, I will not go, we will definitely do not have time to start. And ... I drove into the oncoming lane, flew through a solid, through two traffic lights. If the traffic cops stopped me, probably immediately would have selected rights. But that day I saw Salute, and in my heart I decided that it was in my honor. (Laughs.) It inspired me. Moscow respects the purposeful and stubborn people. And it requires very rapid decisions. I was born in Moscow, and then moved to Obninsk. This is also a very interesting story. Mom, being pregnant, went here to visit friends. And in the subway it became bad, called "ambulance". So in the Moscow maternity hospital, a seven meal appeared. Maybe everything was predetermined? Oddly enough, I was always drawn to Moscow. I dreamed of dreams that I was confused in the subway, I can not get to the desired station, late. "

Obninsk is a very good city, I had to go there. It seemed that there were open, mental people.

Mark: "Yes, intelligent, brought up. This is the sciences, many professors, scientific figures. But I wanted to become an actor, and in Moscow many theatrical universities. I went here to visit the cousin and dreamed that I would live here. "

Mark Bogatyrev:

"Kitchen" made Mark Bogatyreva famous

Have you already developed a circle of friends?

Mark: "Yes. Since the time of school, the Studio MCAT, these are the guys with whom I studied. We put the play "five feats" in terms of Hams, there was just a busy four friends. And after graduating from the university, we played this performance for another five years that we were very shy. There was a good company. We rewrite, we communicate, meet. We go to the performances and in the movies, we go to the country.

And when you meet, talk about work?

Mark: "Yes of course. Even there are whole hookhma, who is someone depicts. "

Probably, you got your hero Max?

Mark: "Well yes. Max is such a touching, alive, very sincere. Eternally falls into some stories. He wants to do well, but it turns out as always. (Smiles.) In this we are similar. "

And sometimes you can get into the image that you begin to experience real feelings to the partner.

Mark: "Actors are emotional people and in love. You come to the project, and there is a new interesting partner. And once - flashes something. Mutual attraction. It seems to me that normal phenomenon. " (Laughs.)

And fall in love with a person or in the image that he creates?

Mark: "Depends on the image. (Laughs.) Of course, in a person! You communicate with him, and not only on the set. "

People are creative more difficult to be together?

Mark: "On the one hand, if you live one profession, you will always find something to talk about. There are many common interests. On the other hand, some kind of rivalry may occur. Someone else is removed, someone less. Again, the film schedules, when people do not see for several months, are also not strengthening relationships. And it happens that you meet a person who is not from the acting shop, but he loves you, helps, supports in domestic affairs and accepts the way you are. After all, at home all the charm is just that nothing needs to play, depict. Love is in this simplicity. "

By the way, Matt Damon had novels with beautiful Hollywood actresses. And he married and happy with a modest waitress of Lusia. There are rumors that your chosen is not a creative profession ...

Mark: "Yes (smiling mysteriously), she is not an actress."

... and you are going to marry?

Mark: "No, these are rumors. We live together, but for marriages still need to mature. Learn each other, getting lost. It is a very serious step for me. I want to marry once, and that it was a long and honest relationship to be love. Not a passion, but feelings. Therefore, I'm not rushing anywhere. It is necessary to make a conscious and correct choice - for life. "

Mark Bogatyrev:

"My hero Max is very alive, sincere. Wants to do as better, it turns out as always. "

Photo: Personal archive Mark Bogatyreva

Are you a difficult person?

Mark: "I am Capricorn on the sign of the zodiac, very dubbed! If something needs me, I will actively seek this. But relationships should be based on respect. If I respect and I love and love, then, of course, listen to his opinion, inferior in something. "

But, apparently, do you think that important decisions still have to take a man?

Mark: "In certain matters. For example, with regard to large purchases or trips. And the woman is better disassembled in the organization of home life. I very much respect when the girl can do it, create comfort. Of course, every couple everything in its own way, but I think that there should be a distribution of responsibilities, the man has their own, the woman has their own. "

You are now feeling calm ... happy such calm. And in terms of work you are important for approval of your loved one?

Mark: "Of course, I think it is very important. If a beloved person is cold to your creativity, does not understand him, the distance arises, which can lead to a rupture. And vice versa, when you feel support, everything you turn out, you fly like on wings. The family is the place where we draw strength. "

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