Preparing unusual salads


Salad with avocado and chicken

Ingredients: 2 chicken breasts, 2 avocado, leaf salad (or iceberg), handful of sesame, honey, mustard, ½ lemon, vegetable oil, several garlic teeth, vinegar.

Cooking method: Mix vegetable oil, mustard and meal of lemon halves. Give this mixture with a chicken and leave to pick up for an hour. Avocado cut pulp, lettuce leaves to break their hands. Stay on the dish. Hiding a mixture from

100 ml of vegetable oil, 25 ml of vinegar and several pieces of garlic missed through a garbber. Chicken Fry in a frying pan, dipping breasts in the sesame. Then chicken cut into strips and lay out the salad on top. The meat can be closed by juice remaining in the pan.

In 100 g of salad with avocado and chicken contains 165 kcal.

Salad with champignons and bacon

Ingredients: 100 g arugula, 4 medium champignon, 2 tomatoes, 6 bacon strips, 1 black bread slice, parmesan, cumin, balsamic vinegar, salt, pepper, olive oil.

Cooking method: On olive oil slightly fry the seeds of a cumin, add bread sliced ​​into it with small cubes. Bacon to wipe on a pan on a small fire, put on a paper towel. Mushroom cut along thin plates. Parmesan Cut into slots with a vegetable appeal. Tomato cut into half rings. Put arugula to the dish, salt and pepper. Then add to the salad of slices of tomatoes, cheese, mushrooms, bacon, croutons. Square salad with balsamic vinegar and olive oil in a 1: 3 ratio.

In 100 g of lettuce with champignons and bacon - 170 kcal.

Salad with paste

Salad with paste


Salad with paste

Ingredients: A handful of macaroni (in boiled form it should turn out about a glass), 1 sweet pepper, several cherry tomatoes, 1 bank of tuna in its own juice, ½ banks olives without seeds, ½ sweet red bulbs, greens, lettuce leaves, cheese. For refueling: 7 tbsp. l. Olive oil, 2 tbsp. l. Lemon juice, ½ st. l. mustard, slightly less teaspoon of liquid honey,

1 clove of garlic, salt, pepper.

Cooking method: Pasta to boil to the state of Al Dente and cool. Pepper cut into a thin straw, cut tomatoes on halves, olives - on halves or rings, onion - small feathers. Prepare refueling: to squeeze lemon juice into olive oil, add mustard, honey, salt and pepper, squeeze garlic. Because of the blender. Salad leaves to break their hands, a paste to connect with vegetables and add a tuna pieces. Fill with sauce, sprinkle with finely chopped greens, sprinkle with cheese from above.

B100 g salad with paste - 98 kcal.

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