Ekaterina Mirimanova: "Holidays are not food"


- Katya, soon a new year, so I want to get into a narrow dress, let the advice, how to bring yourself quickly into the form?

- There is nothing more harmful and useless advice, how to quickly lead yourself to the form. Well, you will get into your narrow dress, and then what? During the holidays, you safely apply your kilograms and add new ones. And then you will look into the mirror and say: "Oh, what a fatty pig I am."

- Self-criticalness has not interfered with anyone. Don't you think so?

- This is not self-criticism, but humiliation itself. You need to love yourself in any weight, because every woman is unique, wonderful and wonderful. I spend seminars and often tell women: "Here I imagine that a small child on the street was told that he was a fool. Well, they said and said. It's a shame, of course, but nothing terrible. And if it told him his mother's mother and these words she will repeat every day. He will believe and will react painfully. So, our body trusts us, believes to us in all unconditionally and loves, because without us it would not be. Therefore, I do not advise any experiments over your own organism.

- Many actresses recommend sitting on grapefruit diets, saying that it is they who help to keep weight and not recover. Do you have an opinion on this?

- All this fairy tales. Well, you sat for three days on grapefruits, and then everything was safely scored back. These are faiths from the series: "Pineapple burns fat." And how many know that it is more contributing to the appearance of gastritis in the body? You know, I am always mixed when people are trying to give one after another. Especially when the actresses say they have a good metabolism and they do nothing to be in excellent shape at their age. Although it can be seen that there was not without plastics, without professional care. In order to look so stunning, these women work a lot over their body, and then their image is "missed" through Photoshop.

- Think that ordinary women do not need to believe in these fairy tales, told from the pages of glossy magazines?

- Sometimes I come to the transmission and see our leaders, which in ordinary life it is impossible to know. Because something that we see in the pictures is very different from real life. I advise you to "climb" on the Internet and find photos of your stars without photoshop, where they are with cellulite, without makeup and to liposuction. Very raises self-esteem.

- Tell us about your minus 60 system, what is the most important thing?

- The main thing in it is correct and in time there are combined products. All "harm" needs to eat up to twelve hours. Love fried potatoes and ice cream - please, but up to twelve hours. Pasta is also better to eat for breakfast. Sugar, baking, sweets only in the morning. In the morning clock, the body is all "burns" without a rest, eat everything you want. Next is lunch and dinner. There are only products combined with each other. You can eat rice with meat, buckwheat with meat, but you can't eat potatoes with meat. It is categorically impossible! Also for dinner there is a whole list of products that need to be strictly combined. And all this eat up to six o'clock in the evening, without violating the rule under any circumstances.

- Now you constantly live in Spain. Are Spanish products differ from Russian?

- Of course, it's hard to find those products that I used to eat at home. My husband and I found a few Russian shops, we buy buckwheat, kefir, meat, sour cream, yogurt. Dairy products in Spain, honestly, not very tasty yes, in addition, with a large content of sugar. Bread and baking also leave much to be desired. Moscow is tastier.

- Cooking Russian dishes for her husband? What does he like?

- My husband is a professional chef. Carlos knows how to cook everything. Perfectly bake. From Russian cuisine, he likes a combination of potatoes with herring and salty cucumbers. He is simply delighted with such a delicacy. Like him and Georgian cuisine, Ukrainian. Solid cards with me in love. But I want to say that soups are rarely preparing. It has long been proven that for the stomach soups do not bring any benefit. Babe stomach, and saturacy is no. You can eat a huge plate of soup, barely stand out of the table, and in half an hour will be hungry again. So from soup you can refuse.

- What will happen at your New Year's table and what will you be yourself? Do not violate the rule "not after six"? After all, so I want to glad the holiday.

- On the New Year's table we will have a sea of ​​different dishes. I hope Carlos will try (laughs). Of course, let me in the course of your branded recipes so that the guests ate and not particularly recovered. For example, salads will refuel yogurt, not mayonnaise. On the table, mostly there will be monogamous products, or meat, or fish. All sweets will offer guests only in the morning. Itself, of course, we sing as usual to six evenings, so as not to sit at the table hungry. Maybe the company for the company at night a couple of pieces of cheese, but generally holidays for me is not food. Do we all wait for the holidays to get drunk and not fit? It seems to me that we need holidays to meet and chat with friends, from the soul to have fun with children and make a cherished desire ...

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