Coronavirus: In Moscow, the number of ills ripen for 2,217 people per day


In Russia : As of September 28, the total number of ill cronavirus amounted to 1,59,573, 8,35 new cases of infection were revealed over the past day. In total, from the beginning of the pandemic, 945,920 recovered (+2 702 over the past day) a person, died from Coronavirus 20 385 (+61 over the past day).

In Moscow : As of September 28, the total number of ill cronavirus over the past day increased by 2,217 people, + 942 people were cured, 16 people died.

In the world : As of September 28, from the beginning of the Pandemic COVID-19, 32,995,554 (+155 542 over the past day), 22,850,774 (+135 394 Over the past day) were recovered, 996,695 were reconciled (+2 552 over passed day) man.

Rating of morbidity in countries September 24:

USA - 7,115 008 sick;

India - 5 992 532 cases;

Brazil - 4,732 309 of the sick;

Russia - 1,599,573 sick;

Colombia - 813 056 sick;

Peru - 800 142 sick;

Mexico - 730 317 sick;

Spain - 716 481 sick;

Argentina - 711 325 sick;

South Africa - 670 766 sick;

France - 531,095 sick;

Chile - 457 901 sick.

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