Defeat pain


So, it is important to know for the right choice of funds to facilitate pain and relief of inflammation in the muscles and joints.

Why do the joints hurt?

The cause of pain can be various lesions of the joints, the most common - rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, as well as inflammatory processes of soft tissues: tendinite (tendon fabric inflammation), tendovaginitis, bursitis (inflammation of synovial bags), etc.

The pain in the joints is an almost universal symptom of diseases of the joints. Pains can be caused directly by the pathological process in the joint (cartilage, synovial shell, articular bag), as well as the lesion of the incomplete tissues, tendons and tendon vagina.

In the occurrence of pain they can play the role of certain mechanical factors.

One of the reasons may be improper shoes or too high heel, like such a shoe all day, in the evening, many have at least discomfort in the legs, pain or discomfort.

Recently, many women are engaged in running, fitness and other sports to maintain themselves in the form, which is very useful for both health. At the same time, sport is an increased burden for joints and as a result of the possibility of injury.

What and how?

Treatment is to appoint specific for the specific state of medicines, physiotherapy, and in mandatory non-steroidal anti-inflammatory funds (NVPS) to relieve pain. They have an integrated effect, anesthetic and anti-inflammatory effect.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory funds are a group of medicines that are widely used in clinical practice, and many of them can be purchased without a recipe. More than thirty million people in the world take the NSAID daily.

The large "popularity" of the NSAIDs is explained by the fact that they have anti-inflammatory, analgesic effects and bring relief to patients with the corresponding symptoms (inflammation, pain).

A good example of the drug for local therapy of pain syndrome (with diseases of the joints and soft tissues) can be called Gel Dip Rilif that meets all the requirements for a timely topical medium based on a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agent. The active ingredient - ibuprofen is one of the most well-studied NSAIDs with a high security profile and in the most efficient concentration (5%). Additionally, menthol (3%) was introduced into the composition, which potentiates an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect of ibuprofen, and a pleasantly cooling painful area. DIIsophanolamine -Transidermal conductor ibuprofen, which allows to achieve high concentrations of therapeutic substance in the affected joints of the Gel Dip Rilifa. The outer dosage form of the drug - gel - contributes to the rapid and deep penetration of active substances through the skin and is more preferable than ointment or cream. Thanks to the speed of action and favorable consumer characteristics, it is easy to apply and quickly absorbed, does not leave traces on the skin and clothing.

Gel Dip Rilife can be used not only for the treatment of chronic pathology, but also to relieve pain in sports and domestic injuries, such as stretching or bruises.

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What is the result?

The convenience of the drug is based on independent use by its patient. Most often this happens if the drug refers to the group of non-delicate.

The main criterion of non-receptible drugs is the effectiveness, as well as the absence of serious side effects, proved not only by clinical studies, but also many years of experience.

Is there prevention?

The general approach to the prevention and therapy of joint diseases should include physical activity, balanced nutrition and the use of nutritional supplements.

An excellent opportunity to restore cartilage will appear in early 2013 in Russia with a new drug admission in the pharmacy - the collagen hydrolyzate of Siech-Alpha, the production of Germany. This is a specially designed nutritional supplement, drinking solution, which allows not only to improve the mobility of the joints, but also, which is especially important for women, fill the collagen in the skin, hair and nails!

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