Where to see elephants in a natural habitat


More and more people refuse to attend zoos and circus ideas, because animals sincerely regret. Recently, the German circus Ronkaley refused numbers with the brothers by our smaller - all living performance of acrobatic numbers were replaced by holograms. We propose to support this tradition and instead of the zoo go to safari. Tell some elephants are and where to look for them.

Species of elephants

In total, there are currently two types of elephant family: African and Asian. The first, respectively name, in the natural environment is found in the African continent, the second - in the Asian part of Eurasia. And there, and there the number of individuals every year decreases - poachers are hunting for valuable elephant beaws: Furniture, souvenirs and even drugs are made of furniture. It is a pity that many people do not understand which price of luxury items get ...

African elephant

Savane elephant. These elephants are large - listed as record holders in the Guinness Book of Record. They have huge triangular ears, dark gray rough skin and almost imperceptible hair cover. You can meet them in a natural environment in Tanzania, Mozambique, Cameroon, and most of all - in Botswana. There, according to the last "big census of elephants", 130 thousand individuals remained for 2016.

Forest elephant. This subspecies have significantly less than a savannah elephant. It also distinguishes sufficiently thick wool of brown and rounded ears. See this elephant during jeep safari is hardly possible - it is better to take a tour by plane. Cameroon, Gabon, Congo, Democratic Republic of Congo - the habitat of this subspecies of the elephants where they can be found.

Asian elephant

Indian elephant. Unlike the African Elephant, the Asian elephants have a light gray color and a trunk of the imaginary form - not its end there is a small fingerprint. Samoko, unlike males, no more thanks. The Indian elephant lives in the foothills of the Himalayas and in the northeast of India. Less often meets in Thailand, China, Myanmar and Cambodia.

Borensky elephant. This is a dwarf elephant in about a man's belt - a visually adult individual resembles a misunderstanding. He has a thin trunk and a long tail. In a medium, it is found on the island of Kaliman, divided between Indonesia, Brunhem and Malaysia.

Sri Lankan elephant. These elephants have a trunk and ears, they are often changed - they are pink or light yellow, in the clip. Exceptionally lives on the island-state Sri Lanka.

Sumatran Elephant. This is an elephant of a small size, with a pronounced durability in the head zone. It can be seen in indlnezia, on a rich Flora and the fauna island of Sumatra.

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