Mikhail Galustyan: "I have never changed my wife for ten years."


Mikhail was born on October 25, 1979 in Sochi. Nature has fished - the day was extremely warm and sunny. The stars predetermined the fate of the boy, awarding it with a light, cheerful character. However, perhaps the role and parent education was played: in the house they always loved to graze, everywhere lay books with jokes and tearless calendars with jokes. The little Misha retells them with adults, not really understanding the meaning, but they just rolled down with a laughter. Galustian school very similarly paroded teachers and classmates, so it is not surprising that in the end he found himself among the same fun and resourceful guys. The KVN team of Sochi University "Burnt by the Sun" was considered one of the best and played in the Higher League. Then Mikhail's move to Moscow was followed, a fateful meeting with Sergey Svetlakov - so the duet appeared on TNT, which for several years now is one of the most beloved and popular. But the artist does not intend to rest on the laurels - no, it persistently expands the boundaries, both creative and geographical. And it is quite possible that he will soon be learned about Gallysto in Hollywood.

Mikhail, your heroes are so different, but they are united by one - all of them are fun and good-natured.

Mikhail Galustyan: "Especially the Omsk" Gasyasa "coach, just a soul man! (Laughs.) Of course, everything he does is not from evil, he is a victim of circumstances. So you want to bring my team to victory, and nothing happens! Beats as can, and people for some reason laugh. Yes, I myself, revising the issues of "Our Russia", I understand that it is really stupid funny. Not because it is primitive - I mean, there is some kind of energy in this. "

Not all artists are watching programs with their participation ...

Mikhail: "Probably, they are shy of the results of their labor. Apparently, they did not really like their own work. I love to look from the part, appreciate what I did. If played great, there were good memories from filming, then once again they scroll all this, you get double pleasure. Not only as a performer, but also as a viewer. "

Mikhail Galustyan:

"My parents dreamed that I was not a kunshik, but an oil tycoon." Photo: Personal archive Mikhail Galustan.

You said in an interview: I want to try yourself in a dramatic role. Apparently, some part of your nature remains unrealized?

Mikhail: "You are right. Probably, something is such a heartbreaking, tragic breaks out of me and can not find a way out. " (Laughs.)

That is, you really are a serious man, thoughtful, but not at all that a cheerful guy, whom we are accustomed to see on stage? Probably read in the evenings of the booksucky, philosophical?

Mikhail: "Senya Slepakov and Vyacheslav Dusmukhametov gave me a full collection of Pushkin's writings for a birthday. I will read before bedtime. "

You and Pushkin before that were not familiar?

Mikhail: "I had to learn at school. Now I will reread. In fact, I, of course, in life an open, sociable person. I have an emerging character. I love to relax, I love people around to be good and fun. "

Mikhail, nevertheless which of the characters played you are closer?

Mikhail: "I all like them, because I play them. Each of them is partly me. I think about the inner world of all my heroes in detail, their character, habits. That is, if I play the coach, then inside me this person sits, who wants to kill Galtalsky. In the image of the gastarbaitera rated, I add from myself the guys of some. There are no such characters for which I would be ashamed. Is that when it was very young and played in KVN - I remember the cases when we were not shown somewhere. But then our team and losing, respectively. "

How did you react to the fact that some Tajik comrades offended by the creators of Sitkom "Our Russia" and sued the court?

Mikhail: "It was one specific friend who was dissatisfied. One person can not judge what impression the program produces on the audience. (We are talking about the leader of the movement "Labor Migrants of Tajikistan" Rodromate Sharipov, who accused the creators of Our Russia in inciting cross-ethnic retail and moral genocide of the Tajik nation. - Approx. Auth.) With the same success, Ural metallurgists or residents of Taganrog could be offended. "

You are not bothering the national question?

Mikhail: "I try not to discuss him at all. And I can tell you that all migrant workers who come across to me on the way, welcome with a smile. I have no problems on national soil - neither with Muslims, nor Orthodox, nor with Buddhists. If you behave correctly, you can live in any country. You must understand the mentality of people, to know the laws, history. If you respect the tradition, you feel easier. "

Misha was not an exemplary boy: he broke the lessons and messed up teachers. Photo: Personal archive Mikhail Galustan.

Misha was not an exemplary boy: he broke the lessons and messed up teachers. Photo: Personal archive Mikhail Galustan.

Remember your first meeting with Sergey Svetlakov? What impression did he produce on you?

Mikhail: "I met the KVN with Seryozha. I think he is a very cool actor, super plays. When he does something, I sincerely believe it. We also communicate tightly. Family friends. "

His jokes about your growth do not hurt you?

Mikhail: "And what to be offended by the truth! Seryozha not only need to pin. He is just a cheerful man in life, loves to joke. "Fail grandmothers" for him is a cute matter. "

You did not suffer from Napoleon's complex?

Mikhail: "I never had any complexes about my own appearance. I understand that I am ridiculous, and it is fun and pleased. At school, I mounted those who poded me, and also played funny characters in performances. "

And with study, how was the case?

Mikhail: "As I could, I studied. If I managed, I studied well. Just in high school, I have already played in KVN and for this reason almost never did homework. But I knew how to quickly gather everything that I needed, passed.

You started working at thirteen years. Did you have a hungry childhood?

Mikhail: "No. (Laughs.) I just wanted to make money on some kind of needs. When a guy young has money, he can go with friends somewhere, invite a girl to the cinema, give her flowers. The parents have a shame all the time. I had such a "business": I bought ice cream in the store five kopecks, and then I sold it three times more expensive on the Sochi beach. What did not diverge was eaten. Earth has kept, worked on the hydraulic bikes, the wagons unloaded. " (Sighs, snacks.)

And when did you go smoking?

Mikhail: "Early, unfortunately. I just lived in such a place ... In a good, of course, but a very harsh district. All residents of the city knew us and called the strange word "Claybone". Because of the cemetery, which was located nearby. "

And what, you often had to fight?

Mikhail: "It happened."

Do you support relationships with classmates, friends?

Mikhail: "Unfortunately, because of the schedule of work, I could never come to a meeting of graduates. But when I visitor in Sochi, if possible, I try to meet with everyone. They say: "Mishan, you are handsome! Nothing changed at all. " After all, in those school years, I could expect something similar from me: that I will act as an artist, will give it. Of course, in my case, congenital qualities were helped - funny appearance, a memorable voice. But in addition to the talent, it is still necessary to perseverance. Well, good luck, of course. So school friends are happy. "

Mikhail Galustyan:

"My wife also loves to joke - just have time to record." Photo: Personal archive Mikhail Galustan.

You did not immediately find your vocation - I tried to study at different faculties of Sochi University.

Mikhail: "Yes, at first I entered the faculty of adapted physical education, then, after a year, I was transferred to the economic, then - on social service and tourism and finally began to master the specialty" Teacher of History and Law. " This year studied at different faculties and eventually graduated from this institute. I did not understand much, but I know everything in a little bit. In my opinion, this is good - to be a versatile developed person. If you want, you can always deepen in the sphere of interest. "

Now you have become a student again, entered the Law Academy. Is it somehow connected with the activities of your producer center?

Mikhail: "Yes, you are absolutely right. The fact is that when I had my own Producer Center, I began to face all kinds of contracts, contracts. And I realized that I pretend pretty badly in all these legal intricacies. I decided that it would be nice to rush. "

"Ticket for VEGA $" is the first project that you produce. What did this topic hooked you?

Mikhail: "I don't want to pull the blanket for yourself: I am one of the co-arresters. There are two more: Armen Grigoryan and Armen Ananikyan. I was primarily attracted by the fact that the shooting took place in America and it was possible to get a tremendous experience on the set, which I took advantage. There was completely American production and a very cool second director Tony Adler, who worked, for example, over the picture "Beauty American". I met the Hollywood actor Danny Trejo, he is a very sociable, cheerful man. (The Russian spectator knows Danny on the films "From Sunset to Dawn", "Children of Spies". - Approx. Aut.) I played a sort of charming fraudster, twin Elvis Presley. And I had a huge blue peacock on the costume. Danny when she saw it, began to laugh, that he is also in the subject. He pulled a shirt, and he had a tattoo in the form of a peacock on his shoulder. That's so interesting happened. "

Chet Galustov - real extremals, they adore active sports. Photo: Personal archive Mikhail Galustan.

Chet Galustov - real extremals, they adore active sports. Photo: Personal archive Mikhail Galustan.

He easily agreed to participate in the shooting?


"As they say in such cases, we made a proposal from which he could not refuse."

Do you have your favorite, trump scenes?

Mikhail: "I think the whole role turned out to be trumps - the pursuit were, Cascader tricks, I also went to a lot of bike. We and Las Vegas, and in the desert they shot. This, of course, was a guard! All household amenities were in the vans, from which we broke the camp. Real field conditions. Most of all was not lucky to performers of the main roles Ivan Stebunov and Ingrid Olerinskaya. The fact is that the scene of torture they had to fulfill themselves, without the help of cascaders. It is not surprising that in the exhausting stuffiness, suspended to the ceiling, they played their suffering as realistic as possible. " (Laughs.)

The speech in the film is about big money, five million dollars put on con. Are you a gambling person?

Mikhail: "Probably yes. But I can not say that I am such a player. There was no such thing that I would come out of a casino with a big lancher. In Las Vegas, for example, I won up to ten thousand dollars and descended everything on the same day. That is, if I want to deliver a joy - visit the casino, I am ready for the sake of it to part with money. And immediately I highlight the amount of money I can spend.

On vacation in Thailand, 2008. Photo: Personal archive Mikhail Galustan.

On vacation in Thailand, 2008. Photo: Personal archive Mikhail Galustan.

"The best film", despite its name, was not very successful. Many of him criticized. Do not be afraid to burn? After all, now you are risking and our own money.

Mikhail: "Wolves are afraid - not to walk into the forest. How many projects did not see the light, how many ideas did because of doubt: "What if it does not work?" You need to consider criticism, but at the same time try and do something. "

There is something that you would like to implement?

Mikhail: "I want to learn English. There is a desire to try to play in some Hollywood picture. "

In America, could live?

Mikhail: "I like how the laws work there, I want it to be in Russia. This is especially true of copyright law. Yes, there, of course, everything is different, the mentality is different. But I am a soccerbile man. Month or two - and settled, I can pay for the light. (Laughs.) In America, you can work, come to shoot. And why live there? I want to live in Sochi. "

Do you have a house in Sochi?

Mikhail: "No. They write about me that I have a hotel own in Krasnaya Polyana, and stock at the airport, and a business restaurant. I say: "I would like a small piece of what is written about me. Where are all these people with whom I am in a share? Give them contacts, phones! "And funny, and I want to cry."

That is, the house in Sochi is still in the project?

Mikhail: "Like, delivering? (Laughs.) No, we are here in Moscow, with your family, I took an apartment in the mortgage. Not so long have paid. We now live, rejoice. "

You have recently celebrated your birthday. Thirty-three years - the age of Christ. It is believed that a man at this age begins to realize his place in this world. Do you think your life is moving in the right direction?

Mikhail: "Why are we both laughing now? Yes, really, do we go there? It is not clear ... But what I do, I like it. Everything that I could dream is coming true. I wanted me to have a good interesting job. She is. I wanted my accommodation - I bought. I wanted a family - I have a wonderful wife, two daughters. "

Somehow somehow said that the birth of the eldest daughter saved your marriage. Is everything so critical?

Mikhail: "I would not apply such a wording. These are my words a little exitted. We were not going to divorce with Vika. It just became great happiness that the first child appeared in our family. (With the future wife of Victoria, Shtefan Galustyan met in 2003 in a nightclub when she was not and eighteen years old. The wedding played in the magic day "Three Seven" - July 7, 2007. And after three years, the pair was born daughter Estella. - Approx. Auth.) I am pleased to spend time with my daughters. We look together cartoons together, play, I am evaluated and building the face of the face. My girls understand humor perfectly, went to the parents. My wife also loves to joke: how to say something, just write down. So all our family is one berry field. I feel like an absolute child in my heart, so I'm interested in children. And they love me. Estell's eldest daughter recently pleased - gathered flowers and daily handed a bouquet dad. "

With Hollywood actor Danny Treho, Mikhail has a lot of common: the sense of humor and ... Peacock. Photo: Personal archive Mikhail Galustan.

With Hollywood actor Danny Treho, Mikhail has a lot of common: the sense of humor and ... Peacock. Photo: Personal archive Mikhail Galustan.

I noticed on your desk a postcard "Dear Carlson from Roma" ...


"This is from the little boy Roma from Tallinn. He is seriously ill, he had to make an operation. He is my fan. I called him to cheer. And since he sent a postcard, it means that everything ended well. "

Why does he think you are Carlson?

Mikhail: "But now I have to turn around and turn into Carlson. (Laughs.) I decided not to disappoint it. " (In fact, in Mikhail there are really a lot of boyish mischiefs. He gladly chase through his native Sochi on a scooter and moped. And also adores computer toys: in his arsenal there are all sorts of shooters, arcades and charms. - Approx. Auth.)

You and Victoria together for ten years - a considerable period for a couple. Did you change each other during this time?

Mikhail: "Have you changed each other during this time? (Laughs.) No, I love my wife only. And in his life I never loved anyone else. She met, fell in love with her ears, and still all this continues. "

Eastern traditions are followed in your family?

Mikhail: "I would say, it's rather the tradition of universal. There are certain life principles, moral norms. There must be respect for the eldest, the main house is a man, a woman is a custodian. Everyone like everyone else. "

Do you think I need romance after ten years of marriage?

Mikhail: "She is always needed. Even the day after the wedding. If you do not enforce bright colors, it becomes boring. I constantly try to assign any signs of attention. I give her flowers, we make each other gifts, go to the movies, fly to relax. When people love each other, understanding how to deliver joy to each other, comes by itself. "

By the way, they write that role-playing roles are practiced at your home. Wife meets you in the image of the princess, then Bavarian beauty.

Mikhail: (laughs.) "And you did not read on the Internet that I have died recently? Much write. It is impossible to believe everything. " I have a role. I am such a strict and cheerful oriental dad! "

Do you think children must be kept in his mittens?

Mikhail: "I think that children need to be directed and protecting. Especially now, while they are small. "

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