Not my novel: what to do if the marriage collapses in the eyes


Building harmonious relations inside the family - a difficult thing that requires the involvement of both partners. In the past 10 years, there has been a serious increase in the number of divorces, the reasons may be a lot and all of them are individual, and yet in the global sense, the divorce is due to the loss of emotional relations between the world's most close people in the world.

According to the results of surveys and research of sociologists, when difficulties arise in a pair, only 10% of respondents are taking the right actions aimed at establishing a dialogue, in other cases partners only warm the negative atmosphere. We decided to find out how to prevent the development of the conflict and try to keep the family.

Take a look at yourself

During a quarrel or other family troubles, I do not want to admit that part of the guilt in what happened also on it. It is important to understand that your partner is an adult, whose change is just useless, you will only provoke it to the negative. Show the initiative in situations when you see a solution to a peaceful problem. As a rule, the second half is sensitive to the mood and location of their partner, and therefore, with a high probability, your spouse will agree with you and refuses radical measures like a protracted quarrel or even a divorce. Show an example.

spend more time alone

spend more time alone


Show women's qualities

No wonder truly female qualities were always considered trick, flexibility and a living mind. Of course, we are not talking about cases when you live in an atmosphere of permanent pressure - physical and emotional - in this case, it makes no sense in this case, but if you just can't accept someone else's point of view and listen to the opinion from the part, work on yourself - strong Marriage requires both partners, but especially from a woman, manifestations of flexibility and ability to share the views of their partner depending on the situation.

Talk, talk and once again - talk

We have not yet learned to read thoughts from someone else's head, and therefore the only way to clarify the incomprehensible and intense situation, the accumulation of which leads to the divorce, it is important to talk to the partner in time and find out the reason for his discontent. Remember, you probably wondered in an incomprehensible situation - why doesn't he talk to me? Why does he behave strange? And immediately came up with the reason why there was no reality. As a result, you screw yourself up and already pour out your negative on and so upset partner, causing it on the scandal. Always discuss your relationship.

Try to stay alone more often

Today, the lack of time is almost one of the main reasons for the lack of understanding between the spouses: you and your partner spend most of the day at work, and therefore the joint activity of various kinds is incredibly important for the pair. Even if you have children and at the same time you can't affect your work schedule, always find a couple of hours a week to spend them together, no one should interrupt you. A steam, which is connected by a strong emotional bond, is much easier to cope with troubles in relationships and it finds a common language.

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