The role of the head of the family can be overgoing


Oksana Stashenko

Vladislav Min

Your first meeting?

In the studio of Vladislav in Kiev. I came to order arrangements.

What was Vladislav dressed in?

I do not remember, but he always dressed carefully and tastefully.

And you?

As always - in something bright and noticeable, was on heels and grima.

Your first date?

We did not appoint each other dates. Just agreed to fly together to India.

Who was the first confessed in love?

I, of course! Because I brave and say what I feel.

The first gift you did Vladislav?

Vest. He is very frozen in Delhi.

His first gift?

Flowers. After the first presented bouquet, the second, third ... Now always fresh flowers are standing in a vase.

Who is the first usually take a step towards reconciliation?

We do not quarrel.

What makes the husband most in you?

He tells me that I am kind and caring. And constantly repeats that I am talented.

What do you value in the husband?

He is the best person in the world!

Favorite lesson Vladislav?

All of them remained in the past, now he is engaged in family matters, and a household - on it.

And yours?

I love to travel and read how eco-friendly houses are created.

His unloved occupation?

I do not know. He does everything qualitatively, even what he does not like.

And yours?

Wash the floors.

The habit of which you refused when they began to live together?

All my habits remained with me, because they are harmless.

The habit of which Vladislav refused?

He has declined communication with friends. There is no time for it. But he says that we are very interesting together.

What thing is Vladislav you would be happy to throw away?

I would throw part of his old wardrobe.

Your home nicknames?

Mahanka (Vlad pronounces it with a Ukrainian accent). And I am Vlad called Vlady, Vlady, Vladitka.

Who brings coffee to bed?

Vladik, of course! Regularly! And in general, even if not in bed, but simply to file in the kitchen - this duty took over Vladik himself.

Your first meeting?

In Kiev, in my recording studio. Oksana came to record his songs. And I was covered with a hurricane named Stashenko.

What was Oksana dressed?

In high supermodic boots, short skirt, fur vest.

And you?

Jeans and a sweater.

Your first date?

Joint trip to India. Every day of this trip was like a date!

Who was the first confessed in love?

We simultaneously admitted.

The first gift that you did Oksana?

Every day - flowers.

Her first gift?

In India, I liked the sports vest, and Oksana quietly bought it and then I gave me.

Who is the first usually take a step towards reconciliation?

We do not quarrel at all. But if suddenly this happens, then, probably, one who was more to blame.

What values ​​your wife most of you?

Heard she says to her

Other: "He is so kind, good, tender, caring."

What do you value in it?

I appreciate it. Oksana is very cheerful and energetic, caring, perfectly preparing. And even what we always together. Everywhere and always!

Favorite occupation Oksana?

At home - ironing linen. Loves to travel and read construction magazines.

And yours?

Work on your computer and learn new programs.

Her unloved occupation?

Vacuum. I have a vacuum cleaner in our family "I manage".

And yours?

I can not remember anything.

The habit of which you refused when they began to live together?

I communicate less with friends.

The habit from which Oksana refused?

She began to give me more time to me and less friend.

What kind of oxana would you be happy with pleasure?

What could have been thrown out.

Your home nicknames?

I call her Mahnka (in Ukraine, which means "baby"), and she calls me Vladichka and Vlauchka. Gently very.

Who brings coffee to bed?

Care is to cook the first.

Commentary Family Psychologist:

"Organic couple, both know and understand your partner. In this case, the role of the head of the family is passing: depending on the circumstances, it takes on him to Vladislav, then Oksana. Most likely for both spouses, this marriage is not the first, and in building your union, they took into account all previous mistakes, guided not only by feelings, but also a mind. "

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