Fire monkey need to surprise


First of all, buy fruits and vegetables, which monkey loves. On the New Year's table, there must be a vase with bananas, oranges and mandarins. Monkey-Sweat will surely like a beautiful vase with nuts and sweets in bright shiny candy. When preparing a New Year's menu, make an emphasis on vegetarian dishes. Usually monkeys do not eat meat, so it is best to cook a bird - chicken, duck or goose. And since the hostess of the year loves to experiment and wonder, try new unexpected dishes that are prepared in different countries of the world.

In North America, a festive dish is a turkey, which is served with with a ramberry sauce, as well as pumpkin pie.

Turkey fillet with ramberry sauce

Ingredients: 500 g of turkey fillets, 400 g of lingers (ice cream), 470 ml of water, 2 tbsp. Starch, 125 g of sugar, 50 ml of vodka, salt, vegetable oil.

How to cook: Frozen berries Lamber pour 400 ml of water and boil (berries become soft quickly). Fillet cut into portion pieces and fry on well-heated oil for about 5 minutes on each side. To pour into the meat about half a ragger lingonberry. Cover with a lid and leave languish until readiness. Salt. While prepares meat, cook sauce. To do this, add vodka to the lingonberry, sugar sugar (sauce can be crushed if you put less recipe quantity). The mixture is a little respect on low heat - 5 minutes. Starch diluted in 70 ml of cold water and pour into a lingonberry. Mix quickly and remove from fire. Sauce can not be boiled, otherwise it will resemble Kisel. Sauce can be left with pieces of berries, and you can make a homogeneous consistency, breaking it by a blender.

In Germany, as in many European countries, a carp is prepared for Christmas and New Year. But the most favorite dish of Germans are a fried goose.

Goose in German

Ingredients: Carushka goose (about 3 kg), 600 g of apples, 2 kg of red cabbage, 1 kg of potatoes, 5 g of Mayoran, salt.

How to cook: Goose hold well and get rid of feather residues. In order for the meat to be soft, the carcass should be salted outside and inside, rub the mayoran and leave it in the refrigerator for a while from 6 hours to two days. Apple remove the core and start the goose, swaying the carcass. The rest of the apples decompose around the goose on the counter. It is necessary to start frying the bird at the maximum temperature, gradually lowering it to 180 degrees. The fry time depends on the weight of the carcass and takes from 1.5 to 3 hours. To make sure the goose is ready, you need to pierce it: if the juice from the hole flows transparent, then it is ready. It is worth adding that the Bird is preparing faster in the sleeve, and the meat is softer. While the goose is roasting in the oven, put out the red cabbage. Potatoes - boil. Prepare sauce. To do this, take a few spoons of fat from the battle with Gusem, breed it with broth. Boil, add corn flour or starch. Strain. Goose to enter, put on a large dish, decompose apples. As a side dish, use stewed cabbage and potatoes. Cabbage, potatoes and sauce serve separately.

In England, a pie must be baked for a festive table, in which the beans are put and baked turkey. Many stuff a bird with chestnuts and squeeze the sauce from the gooseberry.

Turkey in English

Ingredients: Turkey carcass, 1 small apple, 2 eggs, 100 g of milk, slice of dried white bread, 1 lemon, 75 g of butter, 50 g smoked spick, bulb, 100 g almond, 100 g of raisin, whispering sage, 5 g paprika, 3 Mr. cumin, black ground pepper, salt.

How to cook: Turkey to complain, then salt well and pepper, both outside and inside. Spreads finely cut and wrapped on slow fire. Shkvarka take out. Finely nourish the onions, cut the liver turkey and fry in melted fat from the scuff. Bread cut into cubes and add to the liver. There is a piping almond, pre-clouded and pretty washed raisins, peeled and crushed apple, sage, cumin and a little lemon juice. Mix everything. The resulting stuffing is not very tightly putting the turkey, sew. Square to sprinkle with lemon juice and rub the paprika mixed with butter. Wrap in foil bird or put in a sleeve. Fry for about 3 hours, gradually reducing the fire. 40 minutes before the readiness of the foil to remove, and the sleeve is cut.

In South America, traditionally for the new year is preparing pork ham with red beans, which, by giving, is a symbol of wealth and well-being.

Steel with beans

Ingredients: 1.5 kg of pork steering wheel, 300 g of red beans, 2 carrots, 2 bulbs, garlic head, 2 tbsp. Tomato paste, carnation, bay leaf, salt, pepper, vegetable oil.

How to cook: Beans pre-dock in cold water and leave for the night. To clean the knob, wash, pour water so that it covers it entirely, and put on a strong fire. After boiling, remove the foam, reduce the fire, put 1 bulbs, 3 laurels, several fragrant peas peas, 1 carrot. Salt. To cover the lid and cook on a slow heat for about two hours. Keeping beans to cook until ready, rinse and give a track of water. One carrot and one bulb chop and fry on the oil. Reduce the fire and add beans, 2 spoons of tomato paste, 2 baulon bales from under the root. Cover with a lid and stew about 30 minutes. The ham is gently reach, shifting into a high form for baking. Wrinkle with a paper towel, make neat cuts on the skin and start garlic and cloves. To put the beans to the knuckle, cover the foil and put it in the oven for 40 minutes. 10 minutes before readiness to remove foil.

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