Former husband Angelica Agurbash met another


The ex-spouse of the singer Angelica Agurbash Nikolai, it seems that alone remained alternating. A businessman who previously argued in all interviews that he continues to love Angelica and is ready to accept her back, gave a frank interview in which he told about the new beloved.

It turns out that the replacement of the former wife Nikolai Agurbash found literally after a couple of weeks after the scandalous break. All summer, businessman spent on the Greek Islands in a company of some Olga Rasyovaya, writes

"We got acquainted with Olga at the end of May. She saved me from depression as the guardian angel. Such women did not attract me. Never: inconspicuous, modest, quiet ... The only thing I immediately noticed, she looks like my mother in his youth. And I suddenly madly wanted to like it! We got close to. A week later I invited flying to the weekend to Sochi. We removed the presidential suite. Rested, dispelled. After another week, flew to Berdyansk. Then in the Emirates ... Then I gathered in Greece for all summer, and she quit from work, so as not to give me me. Olya treated me, as mentally ill. I even called her "my green". She often had in my house, although, in fact, we did not part, "said Agurbash.

"You see, I buried. And Olya was near, my business led, supported. She understood me, because she had the same personal tragedy in her life, "Nikolai explained.

As it turned out, a businessman, among other things, decided to make a union with a commemorative working contract and the symbolic exchange of rings, which in the summer occurred in the monastery of the XVI century.

"At the time of a particularly acute feeling of losses, we went to the Holy Island of Mykonos. And there, in the monastery of Holy Potapia, exchanged rings - as a sign of our mental intimacy and loyalty for life. By the way, on returning to Moscow, I accepted Olga Viktorovna to work by the vice-president in economics. She is my right hand, has the right of the first signature and actually directs four enterprises, "Nikolai said.

However, Agurbash does not refuse his desire to return Angelica's former wife.

"I am offended at her, but I understand that our divorce was stupid and rampant. You know, I love her. One fortune teller said that I was married in three years in one of my former wives. So I think: let Angelica return as soon as possible, I am older ... "- said businessman.

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