Symbols and traditions of Christmas


Christmas - almost forgotten in the old years holiday - returns again and every year everything is more fulfilled in our lives. And as every holiday, Christmas has its own traditions and their characters.

The festive table for Christmas is necessarily covered with a white tablecloth, and candles are lit on the windows - a symbol of unity with other people and the sign that the doors of the house are open for guests. In addition, the fire of candles protects the house and family members from evil spirits and fills it with warmth and light.

Each detail for Christmas has its important value for the holiday. On the Christmas table, there must be seven or twelve dishes from fish and meat, as well as sweets and wine. In each house there are culinary traditions, but I want to please and surprise our relatives with something special.

Amway offers you the recipes of Christmas dishes that will decorate your table and will definitely bring happiness and good luck to you and your loved ones.

Christmas rabbit. In our country, the rabbit is practically unknown, but in Western countries it is widely used as a Christmas attribute. It is believed that this tradition first appeared in Germany, century in the 16th. Then in 1700, Dutch settlers brought this tradition to other countries. Now the christmas rabbit is an indispensable attribute of this religious holiday.

Pudding (Panakota) is a traditional Christmas dish that was first prepared for Christmas in the 17th century. Previously, Pudding was preparing in advance in large copper boilers to the whole family. All family members made a desire and in the cooking process were put into pudding four items: a coin, thimble, ring and a button. And when ate pudding, I got one of these items. Each item had its meaning: a coin - wealth in the coming year, a ring - marriage or marriage, a button - a bachelor life for a guy, and thimble - unmarried for a girl.

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  1. Heat the frying pan and smear it with the butter with a napkin, fry the oyster and onion, sliced ​​with small cubes. Add salt, pepper and curry, mix all and cool, put parsley leaves.
  2. Purify the form of the sheet. Lay out a stuffing on the edge and wrap in the roll, which, in turn, tightly wrap in the food film. Prepare rolls for a couple for 15-20 minutes.
  3. Cabbage and broccoli disassemble for large inflorescences, cut the zucchini with circles, and carrots - thin slices. After the rolls are ready, put vegetables in a double boiler for more than 4-5 minutes.
  4. Remove the film from the rolls, cut into several medallions and serve with vegetables.

* If there is no rabbit, it may well replace chicken.

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  1. Fill the gelatin cold water and leave to swell.
  2. In the saucepan heat the cream and add vanilla wand in them, opening into 2 parts. With weak boil, prepare 10 minutes.
  3. Perfect the content through the filter paper, consider the seeds of vanilla and add to the grade cream.
  4. In the cream, add a clumsy gelatin, break the lumps with a whisk, bulk all the contents in the creams and put them in the refrigerator.
  5. Prepare the sauce: in the saucepiece, warm the wine and melt honey, add the zest orange and blueberries. At a low temperature, bring all the contents to a boil, cover the lid. Remove from the stove, let it brew 5-8 minutes. The finished panakota can be put out of the cream or serve directly in them, watering the sauce.

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