What to wear me: We pick clothes for a low girl


Womanhit.ru creates a project in which our readers will be able to send their photos with those questions that are bothering them, and a professional stylist will answer these questions and make recommendations on what is interested in a specific project participant.

Our first heroine - Lydia

Our first heroine - Lydia

So, today's heroine is the name of Lydia.

She has such questions:

1. I do not know at all that I wear - how to choose and what to buy.

2. How do I dress according to age?

Working with customers, I pay attention to their appearance, it is this that becomes a decisive factor in my recommendations. I believe that fashion in its populist value is the last thing to pay attention to. First, it holds its positions 1 or 2, the maximum of 3 seasons, so not everyone is suitable for this or that trend. For example, baggy jampers, blouses and coats, popular not so long ago, a girl with big breasts will do visually very fully, even if she really has a thin waist, and a minimalistic style on women bright, for example, Eastern appearance, may look like a faceless foe . First of all, it stands soberly look at yourself.

Let's return to the questions of Lydia. What to wear? How to choose?

Studying her appearance, we can say that it has bulk, lush hair, and they look very lighter as a cloud. Rounded face, noticeable eyebrows.

Associations that come to mind is a cozy, comfortable, warm atmosphere. If you think in images, I would suggest the image of the Russian woman's beauty, it can be expressed using characteristic decorations.

The image of the Russian Barsni-Beauty can be emphasized using characteristic decorations.

The image of the Russian Barsni-Beauty can be emphasized using characteristic decorations.

Since Lydea has a low growth, I recommend to give preference to the shoe with a heel, choose a stable and convenient in height (approx. 5 cm). It may be relevant heights of the knee or ankle shoes. The footwear of another height will create an excess horizontal line and visual growth proportions are deformed. I recommend the length of skirts and dresses to the knee or slightly higher (if the knees allow), the length of the midi will also break the proportion, and the maximum maximum length should be worn with a high heel, otherwise the figure may look heavy. Wonderful sleeves 3 \ 4 and slightly shortened pants. In the summer you can wear shortened pants showing ankle with shoes on a comfortable, but substantial heel - ankle will look thin and elegant. Judging by the photos, Lydia's figure is close to the shape of an hourglass, and therefore it will be good to look at the clothes fit or the stressed port of average width. Since in the face there are mostly soft rounded lines, I suggest choosing blouses, cardigans, a jamper with a round neck. Avoid turtlenecks and that clothes, which comes close to the neck - it can create a feeling that is fragile, as well as visually shorten the neck. In clothing and accessories choose things having rounded parts: Pocket valves, jacket floors, cape shoes, etc. Bags are worth choosing soft on the form of medium sized. Large bags will visually make the liter even less, and small, on the contrary, can be dragged.

Lydia worth choosing soft on the shape of a medium-sized bag

Lydia worth choosing soft on the shape of a medium-sized bag

Fabrics I recommend choosing the most natural and simple, avoid a major mating, but the knitting as a whole will look good, costumes, jackets from the wool of small textures, not too loose fabrics, but not completely smooth.

It will be good to look at the finish fur, embroidery. Choosing a fur, it is necessary to give preference to fluffy fur.

For example, a conventional grade jacket made of thin costume wool will look good on Lydia if you add it with brook with feathers, embroidery. Here, fantasy does not have borders, the rule that should be followed - simply and exquisitely.

According to the silhouette it is worth choosing more classic forms, adding to them necessarily bright, characteristic accessories, about which I wrote above. You can also choose tulips skirts that create an easy volume on the hips. It is better to avoid tight, strongly adjacent things. In all clothes, the space and air should be felt, while the fabrics should always remain weighty, that is, it is not the finest silk, but cotton.

Our expert recommends Lydia wearing tulips skirts, creating a light volume on the hips

Our expert recommends Lydia wearing tulips skirts, creating a light volume on the hips

The second question of Lydia - how to dress according to age is pretty philosophical. I believe that clothes corresponding to age is the one that reflects the temperament and the lifestyle of a woman. In the case of the Lydia image, the attributes of children's and teenage fashion should be avoided: cartoon characters, frills, peas in prints, too short skirt lengths and dresses.

I hope that my recommendations will be useful for Lydia and it will be able to feel more confident in the shopping and choosing clothes.

If you want to participate in the project, send your photos and questions to the post: [email protected].

Karina Efimova,

Expert on the creation of an authentic female wardrobe

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