Emotional hunger and how to deal with him


Parents since childhood were taught us: it is necessary to eat well, that is, an elder and set. And the more, the better - the welded boards on the first, mashed potatoes and cutlets on the second, sandwich with sausage and a bag of sweets to tea ... For a long time it seemed to us that it was that a normal person should eat, while each of us - early or Late - did not face the problems of excess weight or disruption of the intestinal work. And this problem is most often even aware of this, but we cannot refuse the usual way of usage - this is higher than our strength. After all, life is such a difficult thing, should remain at least some joy in it - at least in the form of cakes and chocolates?

You know, but the dietary dependence is not much different from alcoholism or drug addiction - the same psychological roots. Alcoholic need to drink all the time, drug addict - take a dose, and people dependent on food can not deny themselves delicious and harmful to eat. This process is practically uncontrollable, and the prohibitions lead to serious emotional breakdowns. It is unpleasant to admit it, it's ashamed and scary, but it is necessary to recover from a detrimentary addiction to recover.

In order to get rid of food addiction, first of all you need to listen to yourself and understand: most often do you eat from boredom or still require the body? In order to distinguish psychological hunger from real, ask yourself a few questions:

When was the last time you wanted to eat - This feeling arose suddenly or was the cumulative? The fact is that psychological hunger always comes suddenly. Physical - gradually: first in the stomach rushes slightly, and then in the increasing.

Real hunger you agree to suck anything

Real hunger you agree to suck anything

Cake "Napoleon" or enough salad? With an emotional hunger, you always want something concrete: sausages, chips, chocolate, pizza. Real hunger You will agree to suck all anything. Ideally - healthy food.

In the stomach or head? Physical hunger always lives in the stomach and manifests itself exclusively there: the rumbling and emptiness. Psychological - in the head: You mentally eat all the counter with the cakes in the pastry shop, imagine the taste and smell of a juicy burger or a glazed donut ...

Is it a minute or you can wait a bit? "Delponomation" does not tolerate deposits - the desired delicacy must be submitted immediately to drown out the next emotional trouble. Physical hunger occurs when after the previous meal has passed 5-6 hours. And only so.

Is it a shame for the next eaten piece of cake? If the answer is positive, then this is an emotional hunger - eat and suffer from remorse of conscience at the same time. We are angry with ourselves and immediately jean this feeling with the next cutlet or candy.

Psychological hunger is the main reason for excess weight. He arises from the fact that in life we ​​have and in the soul is not safe. We are walking stress, loneliness, longing, boredom, minor trouble. So how to cope with an unpleasant ailment?

Diverse your life - do sports, dancing. yoghoy

Diverse your life - do sports, dancing. yoghoy

Admit that you are susceptible to psychological hunger. And try to figure out what emotions and causes it.

Come up with what actions could you replace the next desire to eat something? Maybe you will be sitting for your favorite musical instrument or record in a personal diary, start to draw or just call a close person.

Apply food - Instead of a cake, eat fruit, and instead of chips - nuts. The benefit will be much more!

Diverse your life with bright emotions - Sign up for dancing, yoga or just walk in the fresh air more often. It will help you become more restful, calmer and harmonious.

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