Preservation We guarantee: how dangerous preservatives, and how to choose the products


Propaganda by some bloggers Refusal to eat foods containing preservatives, I want to illustrate with the words of another Bulgakov character. "Chepuchu say, and the outrageable thing is that they are saying her desperial and confident." For a resident of the metropolis, a similar solution automatically means a transition to a strict veganism, because according to international norms, devoid of preservatives products from meat, birds, fish or fresh milk can be eaten only during the day from the moment of production.

Without salt of dismounts

In the pre-industrial era, the most popular preservatives were salt and wine vinegar. Now they were supplanted with synthetic analogues with the notorious index E, the main of which acetate and sodium diacetate. Antimicrobial agents are added to sausages, meat products, fruit and vegetable canned food. Although the presence on the packing of the E262 inscriptions is able to scare the adept of healthy nutrition, in essence these chemical compounds are just a salt of acetic acid.

Salt is one of the most ancient preservatives

Salt is one of the most ancient preservatives


Synthetic additives are not dangerous because they are natural substances obtained in the fermentation process. True, it is sometimes impossible about the products containing their products. E262 is a very cheap component, and it loves to use manufacturers, accustomed to save on high-quality raw materials.

Poisoned apple

Another category of hazardous preservatives - sulfates and their secondary compounds: sulfur dioxide E220 and sodium bisulfite E223. They are treated with vegetables, potatoes, fruits and dried fruits, and in addition, they are often added to wine. The main danger of sulfates is that they are allergens accumulating in the body. It turns out the famous story: I used to eat apples, and there was nothing, and then suddenly the allergies began to them.

Second nature

What about natural preservatives? Fortunately, they exist. One of them is an old good wine vinegar. Manufacturers split it, deprive the taste and smell, but it fully retains their antibacterial properties. In addition, preservatives obtained from extracts of plants with high vitamin C plants that have powerful antioxidant properties are becoming increasingly popular. True, to oust the chemical analogs from the market in the foreseeable future, they are unlikely to succeed. The fact is that the concentration of antimicrobial molecules in plants is low, so there is much more raw materials for the production of preservatives, and it is much more difficult to achieve a stable antibacterial action.

Wine Vinegar - Natural Conservative

Wine Vinegar - Natural Conservative



E250 is a nitrino-strip mixture with ambiguous preservatives consisting of sodium salt and nitrite. It prolongs the shelf life of meat products, suppresses the development of the Botulina bacteria and has the property to keep the pink meat color. Manufacturers often process E250 chilled meat products and added to sausages, ham, boiled and ferocked sausages. Meanwhile, nitrite is inscribed chemical compounds that have the property of accumulating in the body, and in high concentrations lead to the appearance of nitrosamines - highly toxic compounds.

Manufacturers often process E250 chilled meat products and add to sausages, ham, boiled and cheerricane sausages

Manufacturers often process E250 chilled meat products and add to sausages, ham, boiled and cheerricane sausages


To pay attention to the selection of products:

- Avoid products with a too long list of ingredients with marking E. Most likely, in their production, poor-quality raw materials were used.

- If the product has a short list of components, but a very long shelf life, this may indicate that during its production there was a permissible norm of the use of one or another preservative.

- The inscriptions "Bio" and "Organizer" are not a guarantee of pure composition. The only sign confirming the absence of harmful components is the European Eurolist with the identification code.

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