What dishes will be saved from depression


Hormone serotonin affects mental activity and human brain activity. And if serotonin is produced in insufficient quantities, the body is more susceptible to stress. To avoid this, you need to include products containing tryptophan: This amino acid is used to produce serotonin.

Specialists are recommended for improving well-being to use freshly squeezed juices, especially tomato. It is also necessary to regularly eat fatty varieties: in addition to tryptophan, it contains omega-3 fatty acids that affect the work of the brain. From vegetables, the best mood increases cabbage - white, color, broccoli, kolrabi, Peking. Good for mood bananas, oranges, melons, dikes, nuts, dairy products (milk, cottage cheese), cheese, especially fused. It is necessary to periodically allow yourself to be touched by a red caviar, as well as consume meat: rabbit, turkey, chicken, veal. Do not forget about chocolate and acute red pepper.

Hot chocolate with a pepper

Ingredients: Tile of bitter chocolate, 400 ml of milk, 1 chili pepper, 20 ml of brandy, vanilla, cinnamon, 2-3 h. Sahara.

Cooking method: Chocolate grate. Punch cut and clean from seeds. Pour milk in the pan, put pepper, add vanilla and cinnamon stick. Milk heat on medium heat, but do not bring to a boil. Pitch chocolate. Fire to reduce to the minimum and cook milk to completely dissolve chocolate, stirring constantly. Remove pepper and cinnamon sticks from it. Pour cognac, add sugar to taste. Stir so that sugar is dissolved, and serve hot to the table.

In 100 ml beverage - 170 kcal

Banana Rafaello

Banana Rafaello

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.

Banana Rafaello

Ingredients: 4 banana, 300 g of walnut peeled nuts, 300 g almonds, 100 g of coconut chips.

Cooking method: Nuts first crushed with a brush, and then in a blender. Bananas using a blender to turn into a puree. Connect nuts and banana puree, mix well. The weight should be soft enough, but at the same time do not adhere to the hands. If she sticks out, then you need to add nuts. Then from banana-nut mass roll small balls, size from walnut. And cut every ball in coconut chips. Remove for an hour in the refrigerator.

In 100 g Rafaello - 340 kcal

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