Oleg and Marina Gazmanov: "May love will save us!"


Oleg and Marina Gazmanov are able to find time for romance. Adults are already allowing Marina to leave the house, and it leaves from time to time with her husband on tour. "MK-Boulevard" found spouses in the Crimea and remembered other places where Oleg and Marina found time for romantic walks.

Oleg Gazmanov refers to artists who do not cease to delight fans with an excellent form. In the fact that the singer is still awake and full of strength, we were convinced during his visit to the Crimea, where Gazmanov served as a member of the jury at the children's musical competition. In his spare time, Oleg Mikhailovich and his spouse Marina went for a walk through the local zoo. Only the lazy did not notice that there was still a bright romantic spark between the spouses, as if twenty-five years had passed since their dating.

Oleg and Marina Gazmanov

Oleg and Marina Gazmanov

Photo: www.instagram.com/oleggazmanov.

Each trip to the Crimea for Oleg Gazmanov is also a reason for nostalgia. For the first time he turned out to be more than fifty years ago, when he was still a schoolboy. Already then it could be called lucky: Oleg came to rest in the Pioneer Camp "Artek". And no matter how much he returned here, every time the Crimea left the lot of the most positive impressions. "I here suggested the palm trees and trees here, I can say, I root here. Crimea is a great place, I think one of the best in the world ... It is very beautiful here, very tasty, sunny and warm, there are beautiful people, "the gasmans commented on, walking along the trails of the local zoo.

If free hours are issued on tour, then Oleg and Marina are always happy to spend them actively and go to the study of local attractions. Among the latter, the zoo turned out to be a zoo to which Star Guests were treated with great interest. For example, Wolter with little monkeys made a couple to stop and ask how animals live. At the same time, Marina was completely unafforded, as a seventh chimpanzee named Caesar Lazal on her, as if she was his mother. By the way, Mama is once again not against, along with Oleg, they adhere to the principle "how God will give". Especially since they are not going to part at all, despite numerous rumors online. "Yes, love will save us. Flew on! " - commented on Marina in his instagram in response to rumors about divorce.

Gasmanov family in Crimea

Gasmanov family in Crimea

Photo: www.instagram.com/oleggazmanov.

In a recent talk show with Leroy Kudryavtseva, the singer told that in his relationship with Marina there are different periods, nevertheless they remain their family. "We have been together for almost thirty years. Sometimes I am to blame, although she believes that, probably, I always guilty ... Marusya is an angel who got me. I may not stand it. She is just a wonderful woman. I even upset her, just I am an artist, although this is not an excuse. I sometimes annoy, for example, if something does not work, but it is well done, still tolerates me. It's amazing. When we quarrel with her, I am unhappy, and when I am put up - I am the happiest man in the world, "said the singer. For each anniversary of the wedding, the spouses indulge each other with pleasant gifts. Thus, Oleg had a telescope, a high-speed sapboard and even the statue of Ikara with wings. And on a wooden wedding, Gazmanov received a wooden boat as a gift.

Despite the fact that the spouses of Gazmanov have long walked around the zoo, none of them are tired, and Oleg Mikhailovich seems to be even more charged with energy. However, there is nothing to be surprised here: a former professional athlete, a gymnast, he knows how important it is to keep himself in good physical form every day. Even in the youthful years, Oleg had problems with his back, and therefore the singer carefully studied this question and developed a special exercise program, which allows him to keep well-being and not to regret herself on stage. Oleg considers the most important medicine of Oleg. The singer swims, skiing and board. And when there is no pool or mountains nearby, it tries simply not to use the elevator. And, of course, every morning 67-year-old artist begins with charging. "I have a rule: I pressed every morning exactly as many times as I am," Oleg explained to MK-Boulevard.

Oleg Gazmanov

Oleg Gazmanov

Photo: www.instagram.com/oleggazmanov.

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