Jungle book: Films about the life of animals


Watch the brothers by our smaller - a pleasure. Dogs and cats, tigers and elephants - they are all becoming heroes of cartoon and artistic films. It offers you a selection of good and funny movies who like people regardless of age.

"The jungle book"

An animated film, which is based on the well-known story about Mowgli - a child who has grown together with wild animals. This time, the hero of the book of Reddiard Kipling goes to the people in the village, standing near the jungle. In a trip, he was accompanied by true friends - Bear Ball, Panther Bagira and Python Kaa. About what adventures are waiting for Mowgli and who want to prevent them from, learn while watching ...



Photo: Frame from the movie "Jungle Book"


Not having time to enter service, an excellent study of the Judy Hopps police academy faces the realities. Even in the harmonious city of the Zverstopolis, where all the animals live in comfortable conditions for them, disorder reigns. Suddenly, they kidnap the local resident - the otter - and no one worries about where the father of a big family disappeared. Judy's bunny paired with a fox with a nickname reveal the mysterious business. Whoever knew what it turns for the city ...

"The Secret Life of Pets"

I wonder what pets can do in a huge New York, while their owners at work? Sleep, eat and amused with sicker toys? How wrong! Psi Max and Duke So and then go to visit the neighbors - in love with Max Puppy Hydge, Rabbit-Superman Snowball and a proud cat chlo. Each of them is a special character and their goals for this life. Watch them - one pleasure!

cartoon characters

cartoon characters

Photo: Frame from the movie "The Secret Life of Pets"

"Baib: four-legged kid"

Interestingly, at least one farmer thought that his animals were not just a labor tool, but quite reasonable creatures? The history of the Babe's piglet, brought up incredibly smart Shepherd Fly, proves: Animals are not worse than people. While the family of Hoggetov thought about what a delicious dish gets out of a small dairy piglet, Babet time was not in vain - he proved the owner, which is still useful to him. Babe becomes a shepherd - now the Hoggets do not need human help!

Piggy Babe

Piggy Babe

Photo: Frame from the movie "Babe: Four-legged kid"

"102 Dalmatica"

If you love cute puppies as well as we, be sure to look at the history of Dalmatians! This is a story about sincere love, loyalty and intentions of animals, ready to stand for members of their family to the last. Little Dolmatins are not afraid to take risks to save each other and return to the native home - to mom, dad and good owners.

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