Advice hostess - 4 ways to whiten old towels


Recall textiles from the hotel room: fluffy towels of huge size, soft bedding and a bulk robe from gentle cotton. No wonder, many after the trip buy home the same textile. But you know another reason? We are pleased to use hotel towels because they are always boiled and without spots. Regardless of whether towels are intended for a special occasion or for everyday use, make home towels white and new very simple.

Why are white towels become dirty?

Wrong detergent

If you regularly use too much detergent, your white towels will begin to acquire a dull look due to excessive accumulation of detergent. On the other hand, if you do not use a sufficient amount of detergent, your towels will not be cleaned properly and with time can become gray due to the accumulation of dirt. Be sure to familiarize yourself with the instructions on a bottle with a washing powder and use the recommended amount when washing the white towels.

Tough water

In rigid water more minerals, such as calcium and magnesium. Over time, these minerals can destroy your clothes, with the result that white fabrics look gray, yellow and rigid. Are not sure that you are spots from hard water? Here is a quick test:

Fill the transparent container with a cover with water from under the tap (a glass bottle for water or a glass can is ideal for this).

Add a few drops of liquid soap, close the lid and shake strongly.

Put the container and check the water.

Muddy water with a minimum amount of bubbles indicates the rigidity of water. Clean water with many bubbles upstairs testifies to softer water.

If you have hard water and you do not know how to save white towels white, you may just need a little more detergent for washing. Refer to the manufacturer of the washing powder for the information about the recommended use.

Do not erase white towels with colored things

Do not erase white towels with colored things


White linen mix with color

If you tend to mix white towels with colored towels or other objects, paint from your colored fabrics can slightly stain your white towels. This is especially important if you like to wash white towels with different colors hot! If you decide to mix white and colored things, make sure that you have already erased color things more than once (to remove most of the dye surplus), and always choose a cold cycle.

Excessive use of a chlorine bleach

Chlorine bleach (not to be confused with an oxygen bleach, another excellent means to remove stains) can be a great way to whiten most of white tissues. Taking into account the above, everything is fine in moderate quantities! Excessive use of the chlorine bleach can damage the fabric and cause yellowing. Natural fibers, such as cotton, have a yellow core, so with excessive bleaching the core material is exposed. The same with synthetic fibers made of yellow synthetic polymers. If you decide to use chlorine bleach, carefully follow the instructions on the package!

How to whiten the towels: 4 ways

1. Use hydrogen peroxide. Process visible spots or traces of hydrogen peroxide towels. Apply a small amount of hydrogen peroxide to all stain and let him stand at least an hour before you wash the towel.

2. Mix the powder and soda. Load white towels into a washing machine and add a washing powder, as well as ½ cup of food soda. The combination of detergent and food soda helps remove stains from the fabric and make towels more white.

Dry Towels in the Sun

Dry Towels in the Sun


3. Add vinegar to the drum. Turn on the washing machine and add 1 cup of white vinegar during a rinsing cycle. Vinegar will clarify the towels and will help deeply clear the fabric to the end of the washing cycle.

4. Dry in the sun. The pigment is destroyed in the sun under the influence of ultraviolet. Just how your hair burns out, sunbathing towels and become snow-white.

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