5 reasons to take a book in hand


Reason number 1

Reading develops thinking. To understand this or that author's idea, we have to make a certain work that has a positive effect on the development of the brain and is even the key to its long activity. For example, scientists found that the books rarely suffer from Alzheimer's disease.

No wonder children give books - they develop the brain

No wonder children give books - they develop the brain


Reason number 2.

A modern person processes a huge flow of information daily, it would seem: why still load yourself with reading books? However, this process soothes before sleeping, reduces stress levels. If you systematically read for the night, then soon the body will get used to this, and then this ritual will become a signal to sleep. You will become better to get enough sleep, and in the morning you feel cheerful.

Reading at night - the best sleeping pill

Reading at night - the best sleeping pill


Reason number 3.

Reading books of various genres helps to increase vocabulary. From the context of the work you will find out the terms that are rarely used in everyday life. This increases overall erudition, in addition, increases literacy.

Nice to take an old folio

Nice to take an old folio


Reason number 4.

Learning from books something new, we can share it with others, which increases our importance in their eyes, and thus the self-esteem is growing - to be educated prestigious. When we demonstrate in a conversation, we demonstrate a deep knowledge of a particular item, then involuntarily behave more confidently and collected.

Another world is waiting for you by cover

Another world is waiting for you by cover


Reason number 5.

Reading develops creative human abilities. We present a lot of details: characters, their clothes surrounding items, training their fantasy, memory and logic. New thoughts, ideas are easy to get from books, but after to realize.

Reading will give new ideas

Reading will give new ideas


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