Vladimir Vdovichenkov and Paul Derevyanka were in weightlessness


The subject of space has recently been very popular in Hollywood, but in Russia such films have not been filmed for a long time. It is possible that the picture with the working name "Salute-7". The story of one feat ", the shooting of which began in St. Petersburg, will become the Russian answer of" weightlessness "and" Martian ".

The plot of the film is based on the events that occurred in 1985. Soviet Space Station "Salute-7", which is in orbit in unmanned mode, suddenly ceases to respond to signals sent from the flight center. The fall in the station, which is the pride of Soviet science and astronautics, can turn out not only the loss of the image of the country, but also the tragedy with human victims. To find out the causes of the accident and prevent a catastrophe, it is necessary to send people into orbit. However, no one has ever stripped in space with an unmanaged object ...

Vladimir Vdovichenkov and Paul Derevyanka were in weightlessness 27045_1

The director of the painting is Klim Shipenko, famous for the films "loves does not like" and "Who am I?".

"This is a movie about an exclusively tense and bright history of salting station" Salyut-7 ", when our astronauts Vladimir Janibekov and Victor Saviny flew to the dead station in 1985, were able to donate and revive it. It is believed that this is the most heroic and stress page in the history of the development of space, which was also crowned with success. We led a very long and hard preparation for the shooting of this film. We carefully approached the technical side of the filming, we had a long preparatory period, because most of the film unfolds in open space, there were no such shooting in the history of Russian cinema, "says the producer of the painting Sergey Seliananov.

The film takes place in 1985, so the creators of the picture had to find the necessary signs of the era.

The film takes place in 1985, so the creators of the picture had to find the necessary signs of the era.

Most of the film filming will be held in St. Petersburg in a specially built pavilion. Since the main events of the picture are unfolding at the space station, then experts have developed options for creating the effect of weightlessness. In parallel with this, special training of performers of the main roles of Vladimir Vdovichenkov and Paul Derevko began. Under the leadership of the Caskaderov team, the actors passed a whole course of preparation for long-term work in the conditions of extreme physical exertion.

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